code/__DEFINES/dcs/ ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals.dm0](git.png)
COMSIG_GLOB_NEW_Z | from base of datum/controller/subsystem/mapping/proc/add_new_zlevel(): (list/args) |
COMSIG_GLOB_VAR_EDIT | called after a successful var edit somewhere in the world: (list/args) |
COMSIG_GLOB_EXPLOSION | called after an explosion happened : (epicenter, devastation_range, heavy_impact_range, light_impact_range, took, orig_dev_range, orig_heavy_range, orig_light_range) |
COMSIG_GLOB_MOB_CREATED | mob was created somewhere : (mob) |
COMSIG_GLOB_MOB_DEATH | mob died somewhere : (mob , gibbed) |
COMSIG_GLOB_LIVING_SAY_SPECIAL | global living say plug - use sparingly: (mob/speaker , message) |
COMSIG_GLOB_PLAY_CINEMATIC | called by datum/cinematic/play() : (datum/cinematic/new_cinematic) |
COMSIG_GLOB_JOB_AFTER_SPAWN | job subsystem has spawned and equipped a new mob |
COMSIG_GLOB_JOB_AFTER_LATEJOIN_SPAWN | job datum has been called to deal with the aftermath of a latejoin spawn |
CANCEL_PRE_RANDOM_EVENT | Do not allow this random event to continue. |
COMSIG_WEATHER_TELEGRAPH | a weather event of some kind occured |
COMSIG_ALARM_FIRE | An alarm of some form was sent (datum/alarm_handler/source, alarm_type, area/source_area) |
COMSIG_ALARM_CLEAR | An alarm of some form was cleared (datum/alarm_handler/source, alarm_type, area/source_area) |
COMSIG_GLOB_NEW_GAS | called by auxgm add_gas: (gas_id) |
COMSIG_SUN_MOVED | from SSsun when the sun changes position : (primary_sun, suns) |
COMSIG_SECURITY_LEVEL_CHANGED | from SSsecurity_level when the security level changes : (new_level) |
COMSIG_THREAT_CALC | from SSactivity for things that add threat but aren't "global" (e.g. phylacteries) |
COMSIG_COMPONENT_ADDED | when a component is added to a datum: (/datum/component) |
COMSIG_COMPONENT_REMOVING | before a component is removed from a datum because of RemoveComponent: (/datum/component) |
COMSIG_PARENT_PREQDELETED | before a datum's Destroy() is called: (force), returning a nonzero value will cancel the qdel operation |
COMSIG_PARENT_QDELETING | just before a datum's Destroy() is called: (force), at this point none of the other components chose to interrupt qdel and Destroy will be called |
COMSIG_TOPIC | generic topic handler (usr, href_list) |
COMSIG_VV_TOPIC | handler for vv_do_topic (usr, href_list) |
COMSIG_UI_ACT | from datum ui_act (usr, action) |
COMSIG_UI_FALLBACK | from datum tgui_fallback (payload) |
COMSIG_ELEMENT_ATTACH | fires on the target datum when an element is attached to it (/datum/element) |
COMSIG_ELEMENT_DETACH | fires on the target datum when an element is attached to it (/datum/element) |
COMSIG_COMPONENT_UNREGISTER_PARENT | sent to the component itself when unregistered from a parent |
COMSIG_COMPONENT_REGISTER_PARENT | sent to the component itself when registered to a parent |
COMPONENT_ADD_TRAIT | Trait signals |
COMSIG_ATOM_GET_EXAMINE_NAME | from base of atom/get_examine_name(): (/mob, list/overrides) |
COMSIG_ATOM_TAKE_DAMAGE | from base of [/atom/proc/take_damage]: (damage_amount, damage_type, damage_flag, sound_effect, attack_dir, aurmor_penetration) |
COMSIG_PARENT_EXAMINE_MORE | from base of atom/examine_more(): (/mob) |
COMSIG_ATOM_BUMPED | from base of atom/Bumped(): (/atom/movable) |
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_APPEARANCE | from base of /atom/proc/update_appearance: (updates) |
COMSIG_ATOM_NO_UPDATE_NAME | If returned from COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_APPEARANCE it prevents the atom from updating its name. |
COMSIG_ATOM_NO_UPDATE_DESC | If returned from COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_APPEARANCE it prevents the atom from updating its desc. |
COMSIG_ATOM_NO_UPDATE_ICON | If returned from COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_APPEARANCE it prevents the atom from updating its icon. |
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_NAME | from base of /atom/proc/update_name: (updates) |
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_DESC | from base of /atom/proc/update_desc: (updates) |
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_ICON | from base of /atom/update_icon: () |
COMSIG_ATOM_NO_UPDATE_ICON_STATE | If returned from COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_ICON it prevents the atom from updating its icon state. |
COMSIG_ATOM_NO_UPDATE_OVERLAYS | If returned from COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_ICON it prevents the atom from updating its overlays. |
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_ICON_STATE | from base of atom/update_icon_state: () |
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_OVERLAYS | from base of /atom/update_overlays: (list/new_overlays) |
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATED_ICON | from base of /atom/update_icon: (signalOut, did_anything) |
COMSIG_ATOM_SMOOTHED_ICON | from base of [/atom/proc/smooth_icon]: () |
COMSIG_ATOM_WAVE_EX_ACT | From base of atom/wave_ex_act(): (datum/wave_explosion/explosion, args) |
COMSIG_ATOM_EX_ACT | from base of atom/ex_act(): (severity, target) |
COMSIG_ATOM_EMP_ACT | from base of atom/emp_act(): (severity) |
COMSIG_ATOM_FIRE_ACT | from base of atom/fire_act(): (exposed_temperature, exposed_volume) |
COMSIG_ATOM_BULLET_ACT | from base of atom/bullet_act(): (/obj/item/projectile, def_zone) |
COMSIG_ATOM_BLOB_ACT | from base of atom/blob_act(): (/obj/structure/blob) |
COMSIG_ATOM_ACID_ACT | from base of atom/acid_act(): (acidpwr, acid_volume) |
COMSIG_ATOM_EMAG_ACT | from base of atom/emag_act(): (/mob/user) |
COMSIG_ATOM_RAD_ACT | from base of atom/rad_act(intensity) |
COMSIG_ATOM_NARSIE_ACT | from base of atom/narsie_act(): () |
COMSIG_ATOM_RATVAR_ACT | from base of atom/ratvar_act(): () |
COMSIG_ATOM_RCD_ACT | from base of atom/rcd_act(): (/mob, /obj/item/construction/rcd, passed_mode) |
COMSIG_ATOM_SING_PULL | from base of atom/singularity_pull(): (S, current_size) |
COMSIG_ATOM_BSA_BEAM | from obj/machinery/bsa/full/proc/fire(): () |
COMSIG_ATOM_DIR_CHANGE | from base of atom/setDir(): (old_dir, new_dir). Called before the direction changes. |
COMSIG_ATOM_DIR_AFTER_CHANGE | from base of atom/setDir(): (old_dir, new_dir). Called after the direction changes. |
COMSIG_ATOM_CONTENTS_DEL | from base of atom/handle_atom_del(): (atom/deleted) |
COMSIG_ATOM_HAS_GRAVITY | from base of atom/has_gravity(): (turf/location, list/forced_gravities) |
COMSIG_ATOM_RAD_PROBE | from proc/get_rad_contents(): () |
COMSIG_ATOM_RAD_CONTAMINATING | from base of datum/radiation_wave/radiate(): (strength) |
COMSIG_ATOM_RAD_WAVE_PASSING | from base of datum/radiation_wave/check_obstructions(): (datum/radiation_wave, width) |
COMSIG_ATOM_CANREACH | from internal loop in atom/movable/proc/CanReach(): (list/next) |
COMSIG_ATOM_ORBIT_BEGIN | Called from orbit component: (atom/movable/orbiter, radius, clockwise, rotation_speed, rotation_segments, pre_rotation) |
COMSIG_ATOM_ORBIT_END | Called from orbit component: (atom/movable/orbiter, refreshing) |
COMSIG_AREA_POWER_CHANGE | from base of area/proc/power_change(): () |
COMSIG_TURF_CHANGE | from base of turf/ChangeTurf(): (path, list/new_baseturfs, flags, list/transferring_comps) |
COMSIG_TURF_HAS_GRAVITY | from base of atom/has_gravity(): (atom/asker, list/forced_gravities) |
COMSIG_TURF_MULTIZ_DEL | from base of turf/multiz_turf_del(): (turf/source, direction) |
COMSIG_TURF_MULTIZ_NEW | from base of turf/multiz_turf_new: (turf/source, direction) |
COMSIG_MOVABLE_PRE_MOVE | from base of atom/movable/Moved(): (/atom) |
COMPONENT_MOVABLE_IMPACT_FLIP_HITPUSH | if true, flip if the impact will push what it hits |
COMPONENT_MOVABLE_IMPACT_NEVERMIND | return true if you destroyed whatever it was you're impacting and there won't be anything for hitby() to run on |
COMSIG_MOB_EYECONTACT | from /mob/living/handle_eye_contact(): (mob/living/other_mob) |
COMSIG_BLOCK_EYECONTACT | return this if you want to block printing this message to this person, if you want to print your own (does not affect the other person's message) |
COMSIG_MOB_ALTCLICKON | from base of mob/AltClickOn(): (atom/A) |
COMSIG_ON_CARBON_SLIP | When a carbon slips. Called on /turf/open/handle_slip() |
COMSIG_GUN_AUTOFIRE_SELECTED | When a gun is switched to automatic fire mode |
COMSIG_GUN_AUTOFIRE_DESELECTED | When a gun is switched off of automatic fire mode |
COMSIG_ATOM_SET_LIGHT | from base of [atom/proc/set_light]: (l_range, l_power, l_color, l_on) |
COMPONENT_BLOCK_LIGHT_UPDATE | Blocks [/atom/proc/set_light], [/atom/proc/set_light_power], /atom/proc/set_light_range, /atom/proc/set_light_color, [/atom/proc/set_light_on], and [/atom/proc/set_light_flags]. |
COMSIG_ATOM_SET_LIGHT_POWER | Called right before the atom changes the value of light_power to a different one, from base [atom/proc/set_light_power]: (new_power) |
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_LIGHT_POWER | Called right after the atom changes the value of light_power to a different one, from base of [/atom/proc/set_light_power]: (old_power) |
COMSIG_ATOM_SET_LIGHT_RANGE | Called right before the atom changes the value of light_range to a different one, from base atom/proc/set_light_range: (new_range) |
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_LIGHT_RANGE | Called right after the atom changes the value of light_range to a different one, from base of /atom/proc/set_light_range: (old_range) |
COMSIG_ATOM_SET_LIGHT_COLOR | Called right before the atom changes the value of light_color to a different one, from base atom/proc/set_light_color: (new_color) |
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_LIGHT_COLOR | Called right after the atom changes the value of light_color to a different one, from base of /atom/proc/set_light_color: (old_color) |
COMSIG_ATOM_SET_LIGHT_ON | Called right before the atom changes the value of light_on to a different one, from base [atom/proc/set_light_on]: (new_value) |
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_LIGHT_ON | Called right after the atom changes the value of light_on to a different one, from base of [/atom/proc/set_light_on]: (old_value) |
COMSIG_ATOM_SET_LIGHT_FLAGS | Called right before the atom changes the value of light_flags to a different one, from base [atom/proc/set_light_flags]: (new_flags) |
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_LIGHT_FLAGS | Called right after the atom changes the value of light_flags to a different one, from base of [/atom/proc/set_light_flags]: (old_flags) |
COMSIG_MOB_CLIENT_LOGIN | sent when a mob/login() finishes: (client) |
COMSIG_LIVING_SET_BODY_POSITION | from base of mob/living/set_body_position() |
COMSIG_LIVING_GET_PULLED | called on /living when someone is pulled (mob/living/puller) |
COMSIG_CARBON_ATTACH_LIMB | from base of /obj/item/bodypart/proc/attach_limb(): (new_limb, special) allows you to fail limb attachment |
COMSIG_MACHINERY_POWER_LOST | from base power_change() when power is lost |
COMSIG_MACHINERY_POWER_RESTORED | from base power_change() when power is restored |
COMSIG_MACHINERY_BROKEN | from /obj/machinery/obj_break(damage_flag): (damage_flag) |
COMSIG_SUPERMATTER_DELAM_START_ALARM | from /obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/process_atmos(); when the SM delam reaches the point of sounding alarms |
COMSIG_SUPERMATTER_DELAM_ALARM | from /obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/process_atmos(); when the SM sounds an audible alarm |
COMSIG_MOB_UNEQUIPPED_ITEM | A mob has just unequipped an item. |
COMPONENT_MICROWAVE_SUCCESS | Return on success - that is, a microwaved item was produced |
COMSIG_ITEM_MICROWAVE_COOKED | called on item when created through microwaving (): (obj/machinery/microwave/M, cooking_efficiency) |
COMPONENT_MICROWAVE_BAD_RECIPE | Returned on "failure" - an item was produced but it was the default fail recipe |
COMSIG_ITEM_DISABLE_EMBED | from /obj/item/proc/disableEmbedding: |
COMSIG_MINE_TRIGGERED | from [/obj/effect/mine/proc/triggermine]: |
COMSIG_ITEM_OFFERING | Called when an item is being offered, from [/obj/item/proc/on_offered(mob/living/carbon/offerer)] |
COMPONENT_OFFER_INTERRUPT | Interrupts the offer proc |
COMSIG_ITEM_OFFER_TAKEN | Called when an someone tries accepting an offered item, from [/obj/item/proc/on_offer_taken(mob/living/carbon/offer, mob/living/carbon/taker)] |
COMPONENT_OFFER_TAKE_INTERRUPT | Interrupts the offer acceptance |
COMSIG_SUPPLYPOD_LANDED | from [/obj/structure/closet/supplypod/proc/endlaunch]: |
COMSIG_PROJECTILE_SELF_ON_HIT | from base of /obj/item/projectile/proc/on_hit(): (atom/movable/firer, atom/target, Angle, hit_limb) |
COMSIG_PROJECTILE_ON_HIT | from base of /obj/item/projectile/proc/on_hit(): (atom/movable/firer, atom/target, Angle, hit_limb) |
COMSIG_PROJECTILE_FIRE | from the base of /obj/item/projectile/proc/fire(): () |
COMSIG_PROJECTILE_PREHIT | sent to targets during the process_hit proc of projectiles |
COMSIG_MECHA_MELEE_CLICK | sent from clicking while you have no equipment selected. Sent before cooldown and adjacency checks, so you can use this for infinite range things if you want. |
COMPONENT_CANCEL_MELEE_CLICK | Prevents click from happening. |
COMSIG_MECHA_EQUIPMENT_CLICK | sent from clicking while you have equipment selected. |
COMPONENT_CANCEL_EQUIPMENT_CLICK | Prevents click from happening. |
COMSIG_LIVING_PREDEATH | from base of mob/living/death(): (gibbed) |
COMSIG_TURF_IS_WET | Component Specific Signals |
COMSIG_VOID_MASK_ACT | Mask of Madness |
COMSIG_ITEM_SOLD_TO_CUSTOMER | Restaurant (customer, container) venue signal sent when a venue sells an item. source is the thing sold, which can be a datum, so we send container for location checks |
COMSIG_NANITE_CHECK_CONSOLE_LOCK | Checks if a nanite component is able to be controlled by console |
COMSIG_NANITE_CHECK_HOST_LOCK | Checks if a nanite component is able to be interfaced with by a host with innate nanite control |
COMSIG_NANITE_CHECK_VIRAL_PREVENTION | Checks if a nanite component is able to be overwritten by viral replica |
COMSIG_TWITCH_PLAYS_MOVEMENT_DATA | Returns direction: (wipe_votes) |
COMSIG_ON_MULTIPLE_LIVES_RESPAWN | from base of [/datum/component/multiple_lives/proc/respawn]: (mob/respawned_mob, gibbed, lives_left) |
COMSIG_MOVELOOP_START | from [/datum/move_loop/start_loop] (): |
COMSIG_MOVELOOP_STOP | from [/datum/move_loop/stop_loop] (): |
COMSIG_MOVELOOP_PREPROCESS_CHECK | from /datum/move_loop/process (): |
COMSIG_MOVELOOP_POSTPROCESS | from /datum/move_loop/process (succeeded, visual_delay): |
COMSIG_LIVING_FIXEYE_ENABLED | from base of datum/component/fixeye/enable_fixeye(): (mob/living/source, silent, forced) |
COMSIG_LIVING_FIXEYE_DISABLED | from base of datum/component/fixeye/disable_fixeye(): (mob/living/source, silent, forced) |
COMSIG_HUD_OFFSET_CHANGED | Sent from /datum/hud/proc/eye_z_changed() : (old_offset, new_offset) |
COMSIG_MOB_SIGHT_CHANGE | from base of mob/set_sight(): (new_sight, old_sight) |
COMSIG_LIVING_DEATH | from base of mob/living/death(): (gibbed) |
COMSIG_MOB_LOGIN | from base of /mob/Login(): () |
COMSIG_MOB_LOGOUT | from base of /mob/Logout(): () |
COMSIG_GLOB_CLIENT_CONNECT | a client (re)connected, after all /client/New() checks have passed : (client/connected_client) |
COMPONENT_NO_TAKE_DAMAGE | Return bitflags for the above signal which prevents the atom taking any damage. |
COMPONENT_CANCEL_ATTACK_CHAIN | tool_act -> pre_attack -> target.attackby (item.attack) -> afterattack Ends the attack chain. If sent early might cause posterior attacks not to happen. |
COMPONENT_SKIP_ATTACK | Skips the specific attack step, continuing for the next one to happen. |
COMSIG_TRANSFORMING_PRE_TRANSFORM | From /datum/component/transforming/proc/on_attack_self(obj/item/source, mob/user): (obj/item/source, mob/user, active) |
COMPONENT_BLOCK_TRANSFORM | Return COMPONENT_BLOCK_TRANSFORM to prevent the item from transforming. |
COMSIG_TRANSFORMING_ON_TRANSFORM | From /datum/component/transforming/proc/do_transform(obj/item/source, mob/user): (obj/item/source, mob/user, active) |
COMPONENT_NO_DEFAULT_MESSAGE | Return COMPONENT_NO_DEFAULT_MESSAGE to prevent the transforming component from displaying the default transform message / sound. |
COMSIG_DETECTIVE_SCANNED | from /obj/item/detective_scanner/scan(): (mob/user, list/extra_data) |
COMSIG_BREACHING | Used by /obj/item/melee/breaching_hammer |
COMSIG_MOB_KEYDOWN | from /mob/proc/key_down(): (key, client/client, full_key) |
COMSIG_ITEM_MARK_RETRIEVAL | Sent from /datum/action/cooldown/spell/summonitem/cast(), to the item being marked for recall: (datum/action/cooldown/spell/spell, mob/user) |
COMPONENT_BLOCK_MARK_RETRIEVAL | Return to stop the cast and prevent the item from being marked |
COMSIG_CLIENT_VERB_ADDED | Called after one or more verbs are added: (list of verbs added) |
COMSIG_CLIENT_VERB_REMOVED | Called after one or more verbs are added: (list of verbs added) |
COMSIG_CLIENT_MOB_LOGIN | Called after a client logs into a mob: (mob) |
COMSIG_GLOB_STATION_NAME_CHANGED | Global signal called after the station changes its name. (new_name, old_name) |
COMSIG_ALARM_TRIGGERED | Sent when an alarm is fired (alarm, area/source_area) |
COMSIG_ALARM_CLEARED | Send when an alarm source is cleared (alarm_type, area/source_area) |
COMSIG_ADMIN_HELP_MADE_INACTIVE | Admin helps From /datum/admin_help/RemoveActive(). Fired when an adminhelp is made inactive either due to closing or resolving. |
COMSIG_ADMIN_HELP_REPLIED | Called when the player replies. From /client/proc/cmd_admin_pm(). |
COMSIG_ELEMENT_JUMP_STARTED | from /datum/element/jump when a jump has started and ended |
Define Details
CANCEL_PRE_RANDOM_EVENT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 32](git.png)
Do not allow this random event to continue.
COMPONENT_ADD_TRAIT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 89](git.png)
Trait signals
COMPONENT_BLOCK_LIGHT_UPDATE ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 343](git.png)
Blocks [/atom/proc/set_light], [/atom/proc/set_light_power], /atom/proc/set_light_range, /atom/proc/set_light_color, [/atom/proc/set_light_on], and [/atom/proc/set_light_flags].
Return to stop the cast and prevent the item from being marked
COMPONENT_BLOCK_TRANSFORM ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 784](git.png)
Return COMPONENT_BLOCK_TRANSFORM to prevent the item from transforming.
tool_act -> pre_attack -> target.attackby (item.attack) -> afterattack Ends the attack chain. If sent early might cause posterior attacks not to happen.
Prevents click from happening.
COMPONENT_CANCEL_MELEE_CLICK ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 596](git.png)
Prevents click from happening.
Returned on "failure" - an item was produced but it was the default fail recipe
Return on success - that is, a microwaved item was produced
if true, flip if the impact will push what it hits
return true if you destroyed whatever it was you're impacting and there won't be anything for hitby() to run on
COMPONENT_NO_DEFAULT_MESSAGE ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 788](git.png)
Return COMPONENT_NO_DEFAULT_MESSAGE to prevent the transforming component from displaying the default transform message / sound.
COMPONENT_NO_TAKE_DAMAGE ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 771](git.png)
Return bitflags for the above signal which prevents the atom taking any damage.
COMPONENT_OFFER_INTERRUPT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 541](git.png)
Interrupts the offer proc
Interrupts the offer acceptance
COMPONENT_SKIP_ATTACK ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 777](git.png)
Skips the specific attack step, continuing for the next one to happen.
Admin helps From /datum/admin_help/RemoveActive(). Fired when an adminhelp is made inactive either due to closing or resolving.
COMSIG_ADMIN_HELP_REPLIED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 835](git.png)
Called when the player replies. From /client/proc/cmd_admin_pm().
COMSIG_ALARM_CLEAR ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 42](git.png)
An alarm of some form was cleared (datum/alarm_handler/source, alarm_type, area/source_area)
COMSIG_ALARM_CLEARED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 827](git.png)
Send when an alarm source is cleared (alarm_type, area/source_area)
COMSIG_ALARM_FIRE ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 40](git.png)
An alarm of some form was sent (datum/alarm_handler/source, alarm_type, area/source_area)
COMSIG_ALARM_TRIGGERED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 825](git.png)
Sent when an alarm is fired (alarm, area/source_area)
COMSIG_AREA_POWER_CHANGE ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 219](git.png)
from base of area/proc/power_change(): ()
COMSIG_ATOM_ACID_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 158](git.png)
from base of atom/acid_act(): (acidpwr, acid_volume)
COMSIG_ATOM_BLOB_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 156](git.png)
from base of atom/blob_act(): (/obj/structure/blob)
COMSIG_ATOM_BSA_BEAM ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 172](git.png)
from obj/machinery/bsa/full/proc/fire(): ()
COMSIG_ATOM_BULLET_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 154](git.png)
from base of atom/bullet_act(): (/obj/item/projectile, def_zone)
COMSIG_ATOM_BUMPED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 108](git.png)
from base of atom/Bumped(): (/atom/movable)
COMSIG_ATOM_CANREACH ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 192](git.png)
from internal loop in atom/movable/proc/CanReach(): (list/next)
COMSIG_ATOM_CONTENTS_DEL ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 179](git.png)
from base of atom/handle_atom_del(): (atom/deleted)
COMSIG_ATOM_DIR_AFTER_CHANGE ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 177](git.png)
from base of atom/setDir(): (old_dir, new_dir). Called after the direction changes.
COMSIG_ATOM_DIR_CHANGE ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 175](git.png)
from base of atom/setDir(): (old_dir, new_dir). Called before the direction changes.
COMSIG_ATOM_EMAG_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 160](git.png)
from base of atom/emag_act(): (/mob/user)
COMSIG_ATOM_EMP_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 150](git.png)
from base of atom/emp_act(): (severity)
COMSIG_ATOM_EX_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 148](git.png)
from base of atom/ex_act(): (severity, target)
COMSIG_ATOM_FIRE_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 152](git.png)
from base of atom/fire_act(): (exposed_temperature, exposed_volume)
COMSIG_ATOM_GET_EXAMINE_NAME ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 103](git.png)
from base of atom/get_examine_name(): (/mob, list/overrides)
COMSIG_ATOM_HAS_GRAVITY ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 181](git.png)
from base of atom/has_gravity(): (turf/location, list/forced_gravities)
COMSIG_ATOM_NARSIE_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 164](git.png)
from base of atom/narsie_act(): ()
COMSIG_ATOM_NO_UPDATE_DESC ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 119](git.png)
If returned from COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_APPEARANCE it prevents the atom from updating its desc.
COMSIG_ATOM_NO_UPDATE_ICON ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 121](git.png)
If returned from COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_APPEARANCE it prevents the atom from updating its icon.
COMSIG_ATOM_NO_UPDATE_ICON_STATE ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 129](git.png)
If returned from COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_ICON it prevents the atom from updating its icon state.
COMSIG_ATOM_NO_UPDATE_NAME ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 117](git.png)
If returned from COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_APPEARANCE it prevents the atom from updating its name.
COMSIG_ATOM_NO_UPDATE_OVERLAYS ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 131](git.png)
If returned from COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_ICON it prevents the atom from updating its overlays.
COMSIG_ATOM_ORBIT_BEGIN ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 210](git.png)
Called from orbit component: (atom/movable/orbiter, radius, clockwise, rotation_speed, rotation_segments, pre_rotation)
COMSIG_ATOM_ORBIT_END ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 212](git.png)
Called from orbit component: (atom/movable/orbiter, refreshing)
COMSIG_ATOM_RAD_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 162](git.png)
from base of atom/rad_act(intensity)
from base of datum/radiation_wave/radiate(): (strength)
COMSIG_ATOM_RAD_PROBE ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 183](git.png)
from proc/get_rad_contents(): ()
COMSIG_ATOM_RAD_WAVE_PASSING ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 189](git.png)
from base of datum/radiation_wave/check_obstructions(): (datum/radiation_wave, width)
COMSIG_ATOM_RATVAR_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 166](git.png)
from base of atom/ratvar_act(): ()
COMSIG_ATOM_RCD_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 168](git.png)
from base of atom/rcd_act(): (/mob, /obj/item/construction/rcd, passed_mode)
COMSIG_ATOM_SET_LIGHT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 341](git.png)
from base of [atom/proc/set_light]: (l_range, l_power, l_color, l_on)
COMSIG_ATOM_SET_LIGHT_COLOR ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 353](git.png)
Called right before the atom changes the value of light_color to a different one, from base atom/proc/set_light_color: (new_color)
COMSIG_ATOM_SET_LIGHT_FLAGS ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 361](git.png)
Called right before the atom changes the value of light_flags to a different one, from base [atom/proc/set_light_flags]: (new_flags)
COMSIG_ATOM_SET_LIGHT_ON ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 357](git.png)
Called right before the atom changes the value of light_on to a different one, from base [atom/proc/set_light_on]: (new_value)
COMSIG_ATOM_SET_LIGHT_POWER ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 345](git.png)
Called right before the atom changes the value of light_power to a different one, from base [atom/proc/set_light_power]: (new_power)
COMSIG_ATOM_SET_LIGHT_RANGE ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 349](git.png)
Called right before the atom changes the value of light_range to a different one, from base atom/proc/set_light_range: (new_range)
COMSIG_ATOM_SING_PULL ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 170](git.png)
from base of atom/singularity_pull(): (S, current_size)
COMSIG_ATOM_SMOOTHED_ICON ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 139](git.png)
from base of [/atom/proc/smooth_icon]: ()
COMSIG_ATOM_TAKE_DAMAGE ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 105](git.png)
from base of [/atom/proc/take_damage]: (damage_amount, damage_type, damage_flag, sound_effect, attack_dir, aurmor_penetration)
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATED_ICON ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 137](git.png)
from base of /atom/update_icon: (signalOut, did_anything)
from base of /atom/proc/update_appearance: (updates)
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_DESC ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 125](git.png)
from base of /atom/proc/update_desc: (updates)
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_ICON ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 127](git.png)
from base of /atom/update_icon: ()
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_ICON_STATE ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 133](git.png)
from base of atom/update_icon_state: ()
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_LIGHT_COLOR ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 355](git.png)
Called right after the atom changes the value of light_color to a different one, from base of /atom/proc/set_light_color: (old_color)
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_LIGHT_FLAGS ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 363](git.png)
Called right after the atom changes the value of light_flags to a different one, from base of [/atom/proc/set_light_flags]: (old_flags)
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_LIGHT_ON ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 359](git.png)
Called right after the atom changes the value of light_on to a different one, from base of [/atom/proc/set_light_on]: (old_value)
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_LIGHT_POWER ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 347](git.png)
Called right after the atom changes the value of light_power to a different one, from base of [/atom/proc/set_light_power]: (old_power)
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_LIGHT_RANGE ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 351](git.png)
Called right after the atom changes the value of light_range to a different one, from base of /atom/proc/set_light_range: (old_range)
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_NAME ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 123](git.png)
from base of /atom/proc/update_name: (updates)
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_OVERLAYS ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 135](git.png)
from base of /atom/update_overlays: (list/new_overlays)
COMSIG_ATOM_WAVE_EX_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 146](git.png)
From base of atom/wave_ex_act(): (datum/wave_explosion/explosion, args)
COMSIG_BLOCK_EYECONTACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 304](git.png)
return this if you want to block printing this message to this person, if you want to print your own (does not affect the other person's message)
COMSIG_BREACHING ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 794](git.png)
Used by /obj/item/melee/breaching_hammer
COMSIG_CARBON_ATTACH_LIMB ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 439](git.png)
from base of /obj/item/bodypart/proc/attach_limb(): (new_limb, special) allows you to fail limb attachment
COMSIG_CLIENT_MOB_LOGIN ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 818](git.png)
Called after a client logs into a mob: (mob)
COMSIG_CLIENT_VERB_ADDED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 812](git.png)
Called after one or more verbs are added: (list of verbs added)
COMSIG_CLIENT_VERB_REMOVED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 815](git.png)
Called after one or more verbs are added: (list of verbs added)
COMSIG_COMPONENT_ADDED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 61](git.png)
when a component is added to a datum: (/datum/component)
sent to the component itself when registered to a parent
COMSIG_COMPONENT_REMOVING ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 63](git.png)
before a component is removed from a datum because of RemoveComponent: (/datum/component)
sent to the component itself when unregistered from a parent
COMSIG_DETECTIVE_SCANNED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 791](git.png)
from /obj/item/detective_scanner/scan(): (mob/user, list/extra_data)
COMSIG_ELEMENT_ATTACH ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 79](git.png)
fires on the target datum when an element is attached to it (/datum/element)
COMSIG_ELEMENT_DETACH ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 81](git.png)
fires on the target datum when an element is attached to it (/datum/element)
COMSIG_ELEMENT_JUMP_STARTED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 838](git.png)
from /datum/element/jump when a jump has started and ended
COMSIG_GLOB_CLIENT_CONNECT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 768](git.png)
a client (re)connected, after all /client/New() checks have passed : (client/connected_client)
COMSIG_GLOB_EXPLOSION ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 13](git.png)
called after an explosion happened : (epicenter, devastation_range, heavy_impact_range, light_impact_range, took, orig_dev_range, orig_heavy_range, orig_light_range)
job datum has been called to deal with the aftermath of a latejoin spawn
COMSIG_GLOB_JOB_AFTER_SPAWN ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 25](git.png)
job subsystem has spawned and equipped a new mob
global living say plug - use sparingly: (mob/speaker , message)
COMSIG_GLOB_MOB_CREATED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 15](git.png)
mob was created somewhere : (mob)
COMSIG_GLOB_MOB_DEATH ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 17](git.png)
mob died somewhere : (mob , gibbed)
COMSIG_GLOB_NEW_GAS ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 45](git.png)
called by auxgm add_gas: (gas_id)
COMSIG_GLOB_NEW_Z ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 9](git.png)
from base of datum/controller/subsystem/mapping/proc/add_new_zlevel(): (list/args)
COMSIG_GLOB_PLAY_CINEMATIC ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 21](git.png)
called by datum/cinematic/play() : (datum/cinematic/new_cinematic)
Global signal called after the station changes its name. (new_name, old_name)
COMSIG_GLOB_VAR_EDIT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 11](git.png)
called after a successful var edit somewhere in the world: (list/args)
When a gun is switched off of automatic fire mode
COMSIG_GUN_AUTOFIRE_SELECTED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 335](git.png)
When a gun is switched to automatic fire mode
COMSIG_HUD_OFFSET_CHANGED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 757](git.png)
Sent from /datum/hud/proc/eye_z_changed() : (old_offset, new_offset)
COMSIG_ITEM_DISABLE_EMBED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 534](git.png)
from /obj/item/proc/disableEmbedding:
COMSIG_ITEM_MARK_RETRIEVAL ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 801](git.png)
Sent from /datum/action/cooldown/spell/summonitem/cast(), to the item being marked for recall: (datum/action/cooldown/spell/spell, mob/user)
COMSIG_ITEM_MICROWAVE_COOKED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 515](git.png)
called on item when created through microwaving (): (obj/machinery/microwave/M, cooking_efficiency)
COMSIG_ITEM_OFFERING ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 539](git.png)
Called when an item is being offered, from [/obj/item/proc/on_offered(mob/living/carbon/offerer)]
COMSIG_ITEM_OFFER_TAKEN ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 543](git.png)
Called when an someone tries accepting an offered item, from [/obj/item/proc/on_offer_taken(mob/living/carbon/offer, mob/living/carbon/taker)]
COMSIG_ITEM_SOLD_TO_CUSTOMER ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 648](git.png)
Restaurant (customer, container) venue signal sent when a venue sells an item. source is the thing sold, which can be a datum, so we send container for location checks
COMSIG_LIVING_DEATH ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 761](git.png)
from base of mob/living/death(): (gibbed)
from base of datum/component/fixeye/disable_fixeye(): (mob/living/source, silent, forced)
COMSIG_LIVING_FIXEYE_ENABLED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 752](git.png)
from base of datum/component/fixeye/enable_fixeye(): (mob/living/source, silent, forced)
COMSIG_LIVING_GET_PULLED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 404](git.png)
called on /living when someone is pulled (mob/living/puller)
COMSIG_LIVING_PREDEATH ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 620](git.png)
from base of mob/living/death(): (gibbed)
from base of mob/living/set_body_position()
COMSIG_MACHINERY_BROKEN ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 472](git.png)
from /obj/machinery/obj_break(damage_flag): (damage_flag)
COMSIG_MACHINERY_POWER_LOST ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 468](git.png)
from base power_change() when power is lost
from base power_change() when power is restored
COMSIG_MECHA_EQUIPMENT_CLICK ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 598](git.png)
sent from clicking while you have equipment selected.
COMSIG_MECHA_MELEE_CLICK ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 594](git.png)
sent from clicking while you have no equipment selected. Sent before cooldown and adjacency checks, so you can use this for infinite range things if you want.
COMSIG_MINE_TRIGGERED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 535](git.png)
from [/obj/effect/mine/proc/triggermine]:
COMSIG_MOB_ALTCLICKON ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 330](git.png)
from base of mob/AltClickOn(): (atom/A)
COMSIG_MOB_CLIENT_LOGIN ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 373](git.png)
sent when a mob/login() finishes: (client)
COMSIG_MOB_EYECONTACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 302](git.png)
from /mob/living/handle_eye_contact(): (mob/living/other_mob)
COMSIG_MOB_KEYDOWN ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 797](git.png)
from /mob/proc/key_down(): (key, client/client, full_key)
COMSIG_MOB_LOGIN ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 763](git.png)
from base of /mob/Login(): ()
COMSIG_MOB_LOGOUT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 765](git.png)
from base of /mob/Logout(): ()
COMSIG_MOB_SIGHT_CHANGE ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 759](git.png)
from base of mob/set_sight(): (new_sight, old_sight)
COMSIG_MOB_UNEQUIPPED_ITEM ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 492](git.png)
A mob has just unequipped an item.
COMSIG_MOVABLE_PRE_MOVE ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 235](git.png)
from base of atom/movable/Moved(): (/atom)
from /datum/move_loop/process (succeeded, visual_delay):
from /datum/move_loop/process ():
COMSIG_MOVELOOP_START ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 740](git.png)
from [/datum/move_loop/start_loop] ():
COMSIG_MOVELOOP_STOP ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 742](git.png)
from [/datum/move_loop/stop_loop] ():
Checks if a nanite component is able to be controlled by console
COMSIG_NANITE_CHECK_HOST_LOCK ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 682](git.png)
Checks if a nanite component is able to be interfaced with by a host with innate nanite control
Checks if a nanite component is able to be overwritten by viral replica
COMSIG_ON_CARBON_SLIP ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 332](git.png)
When a carbon slips. Called on /turf/open/handle_slip()
from base of [/datum/component/multiple_lives/proc/respawn]: (mob/respawned_mob, gibbed, lives_left)
COMSIG_PARENT_EXAMINE_MORE ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 106](git.png)
from base of atom/examine_more(): (/mob)
COMSIG_PARENT_PREQDELETED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 65](git.png)
before a datum's Destroy() is called: (force), returning a nonzero value will cancel the qdel operation
COMSIG_PARENT_QDELETING ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 67](git.png)
just before a datum's Destroy() is called: (force), at this point none of the other components chose to interrupt qdel and Destroy will be called
COMSIG_PROJECTILE_FIRE ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 583](git.png)
from the base of /obj/item/projectile/proc/fire(): ()
COMSIG_PROJECTILE_ON_HIT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 581](git.png)
from base of /obj/item/projectile/proc/on_hit(): (atom/movable/firer, atom/target, Angle, hit_limb)
COMSIG_PROJECTILE_PREHIT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 586](git.png)
sent to targets during the process_hit proc of projectiles
COMSIG_PROJECTILE_SELF_ON_HIT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 580](git.png)
from base of /obj/item/projectile/proc/on_hit(): (atom/movable/firer, atom/target, Angle, hit_limb)
from SSsecurity_level when the security level changes : (new_level)
COMSIG_SUN_MOVED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 49](git.png)
from SSsun when the sun changes position : (primary_sun, suns)
from /obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/process_atmos(); when the SM sounds an audible alarm
from /obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/process_atmos(); when the SM delam reaches the point of sounding alarms
COMSIG_SUPPLYPOD_LANDED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 547](git.png)
from [/obj/structure/closet/supplypod/proc/endlaunch]:
COMSIG_THREAT_CALC ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 55](git.png)
from SSactivity for things that add threat but aren't "global" (e.g. phylacteries)
COMSIG_TOPIC ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 69](git.png)
generic topic handler (usr, href_list)
From /datum/component/transforming/proc/do_transform(obj/item/source, mob/user): (obj/item/source, mob/user, active)
From /datum/component/transforming/proc/on_attack_self(obj/item/source, mob/user): (obj/item/source, mob/user, active)
COMSIG_TURF_CHANGE ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 226](git.png)
from base of turf/ChangeTurf(): (path, list/new_baseturfs, flags, list/transferring_comps)
COMSIG_TURF_HAS_GRAVITY ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 228](git.png)
from base of atom/has_gravity(): (atom/asker, list/forced_gravities)
COMSIG_TURF_IS_WET ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 624](git.png)
Component Specific Signals
COMSIG_TURF_MULTIZ_DEL ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 230](git.png)
from base of turf/multiz_turf_del(): (turf/source, direction)
COMSIG_TURF_MULTIZ_NEW ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 232](git.png)
from base of turf/multiz_turf_new: (turf/source, direction)
Returns direction: (wipe_votes)
COMSIG_UI_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 74](git.png)
from datum ui_act (usr, action)
COMSIG_UI_FALLBACK ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 76](git.png)
from datum tgui_fallback (payload)
COMSIG_VOID_MASK_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 640](git.png)
Mask of Madness
COMSIG_VV_TOPIC ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 71](git.png)
handler for vv_do_topic (usr, href_list)
COMSIG_WEATHER_TELEGRAPH ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/ 35](git.png)
a weather event of some kind occured