Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


MAX_PAPER_LENGTHPerforms any operations that ought to run after an appearance change Maximimum number of characters that we allow on paper.
MAX_PAPER_STAMPSMax number of stamps that can be applied to the paper in tgui.
MAX_PAPER_STAMPS_OVERLAYSMax number of stamp overlays that we'll add to a piece of paper's icon.
MAX_PAPER_INPUT_FIELD_LENGTHMaximum length of input fields. Input fields greater than this length are clamped tgui-side. Input field text input greater than this length is rejected tgui-side, discarded + logged if it reaches DM-side.
MODE_READINGShould not be able to write on or stamp paper.
MODE_WRITINGShould be able to write on paper.
MODE_STAMPINGShould be able to stamp paper.

Define Details


Maximum length of input fields. Input fields greater than this length are clamped tgui-side. Input field text input greater than this length is rejected tgui-side, discarded + logged if it reaches DM-side.


Performs any operations that ought to run after an appearance change Maximimum number of characters that we allow on paper.


Max number of stamps that can be applied to the paper in tgui.


Max number of stamp overlays that we'll add to a piece of paper's icon.


Should not be able to write on or stamp paper.


Should be able to stamp paper.


Should be able to write on paper.