TRAIT_IMMOBILIZED | Prevents voluntary movement. |
TRAIT_HANDS_BLOCKED | Prevents usage of manipulation appendages (picking, holding or using items, manipulating storage). |
TRAIT_ANTIMAGIC_NO_SELFBLOCK | Like antimagic, but doesn't block the user from casting |
TRAIT_XRAY_VISION | Gives us turf, mob and object vision through walls |
TRAIT_THERMAL_VISION | Gives us mob vision through walls and slight night vision |
TRAIT_MESON_VISION | Gives us turf vision through walls and slight night vision |
TRAIT_TRUE_NIGHT_VISION | Gives us Night vision |
TRAIT_REAGENT_SCANNER | Lets us scan reagents |
TRAIT_CUSTOM_TAP_SOUND | An item still plays its hitsound even if it has 0 force, instead of the tap |
TRAIT_CLIMBABLE | Climbable trait, given and taken by the climbable element when added or removed. Exists to be easily checked via HAS_TRAIT(). |
TRAIT_NO_STAMINA_BUFFER_REGENERATION | Prevents stamina buffer regeneration |
TRAIT_NO_STAMINA_REGENERATION | Prevents stamina regeneration |
LIPSTICK_TRAIT | Trait granted by lipstick |
TRAIT_KISS_OF_DEATH | Blowing kisses that actually do damage to the victim |
TRAIT_LIVING_NO_DENSITY | forces update_density to make us not dense |
TRAIT_HUMAN_NO_RENDER | forces us to not render our overlays |
TRAIT_BEING_CARRIED | Used for fireman carry to have mobe not be dropped when passing by a prone individual. |
TRAIT_MOBILITY_NOMOVE | Disallow movement |
TRAIT_MOBILITY_NOUSE | Disallow item use |
TRAIT_MOBILITY_NOREST | Disallow resting/unresting |
TRAIT_COMBAT_MODE_LOCKED | COMBAT MODE/SPRINT MODE TRAITS Prevents combat mode from being active. |
TRAIT_SPRINT_LOCKED | Prevents sprinting from being active. |
TRAIT_LAVA_IMMUNE | Weather immunities, also protect mobs inside them. |
TRAIT_KEEP_TOGETHER | Used for managing KEEP_TOGETHER in [appearance_flags] |
SWORDPLAY_TRAIT | Trait given from playing pretend with baguettes |
TURF_Z_TRANSPARENT_TRAIT | Turf trait for when a turf is transparent |
ACTIVE_BLOCK_TRAIT | This trait is added by the active directional block system. |
ACTIVE_PARRY_TRAIT | This trait is added by the parry system. |
MAPPING_HELPER_TRAIT | obtained from mapping helper |
MAFIA_TRAIT | Trait associated with mafia |
STATION_TRAIT_BANANIUM_SHIPMENTS | Traits given by station traits |
TRAIT_KNOCKEDOUT | Forces the user to stay unconscious. |
TRAIT_FORCED_STANDING | Forces user to stay standing |
TRAIT_UI_BLOCKED | Inability to access UI hud elements. Turned into a trait from MOBILITY_UI to be able to track sources. |
TRAIT_PULL_BLOCKED | Inability to pull things. Turned into a trait from MOBILITY_PULL to be able to track sources. |
TRAIT_RESTRAINED | Abstract condition that prevents movement if being pulled and might be resisted against. Handcuffs and straight jackets, basically. |
TRAIT_GARROTED | Reduces chance of breaking a grip |
TRAIT_PERFECT_ATTACKER | Doesn't miss attacks |
TRAIT_CRITICAL_CONDITION | In some kind of critical condition. Is able to succumb. |
TRAIT_ADVANCEDTOOLUSER | Whether a mob is dexterous enough to use machines and certain items or not. |
TRAIT_GUN_NATURAL | Makes it so the mob can use guns regardless of tool user status |
TRAIT_CORPSELOCKED | Prevents you from leaving your corpse |
TRAIT_NOSELFIGNITION_HEAD_ONLY | Prevents plasmamen from self-igniting if only their helmet is missing |
TRAIT_FASTMED | reduces the use time of syringes, pills, patches and medigels but only when using on someone |
TRAIT_CANNOT_OPEN_PRESENTS | These are used for brain-based paralysis, where replacing the limb won't fix it |
TRAIT_WEB_WEAVER | Can weave webs into cloth |
TRAIT_NEGATES_GRAVITY | Negates our gravity, letting us move normally on floors in 0-g |
TRAIT_RESEARCH_SCANNER | Lets us scan machine parts and tech unlocks |
TRAIT_PLANT_SAFE | We can handle 'dangerous' plants in botany safely |
TRAIT_DIAGNOSTIC_HUD | for something granting you a diagnostic hud |
TRAIT_MEDIBOTCOMINGTHROUGH | Is a medbot healing you |
TRAIT_NOFLASH | Makes you immune to flashes |
TRAIT_XENO_IMMUNE | prevents xeno huggies implanting skeletons |
TRAIT_FLASH_SENSITIVE | Makes you flashable from any direction |
TRAIT_SPECIAL_TRAUMA_BOOST | Increases chance of getting special traumas, makes them harder to cure |
TRAIT_GAMERGOD | Gets double arcade prizes |
TRAIT_SILENT_FOOTSTEPS | makes your footsteps completely silent |
TRAIT_TUMOR_SUPPRESSED | prevents the damage done by a brain tumor |
TRAIT_PERMANENTLY_ONFIRE | overrides the update_fire proc to always add fire (for lava) |
TRAIT_SIGN_LANG | Galactic Common Sign Language |
TRAIT_CAN_SIGN_ON_COMMS | This mob is able to use sign language over the radio. |
TRAIT_MARTIAL_ARTS_IMMUNE | nobody can use martial arts on this mob |
TRAIT_DUFFEL_CURSE_PROOF | You've been cursed with a living duffelbag, and can't have more added |
TRAIT_TIME_STOP_IMMUNE | Immune to being afflicted by time stop (spell) |
TRAIT_WEAK_SOUL | Revenants draining you only get a very small benefit. |
TRAIT_NO_SOUL | This mob has no soul |
TRAIT_CANT_RIDE | Prevents mob from riding mobs when buckled onto something |
TRAIT_CANNOT_BE_UNBUCKLED | Prevents a mob from being unbuckled, currently only used to prevent people from falling over on the tram |
TRAIT_BLOODY_MESS | from heparin, makes open bleeding wounds rapidly spill more blood |
TRAIT_COAGULATING | from coagulant reagents, this doesn't affect the bleeding itself but does affect the bleed warning messages |
TRAIT_ANTICONVULSANT | From anti-convulsant medication against seizures. |
TRAIT_ANTENNAE | The holder of this trait has antennae or whatever that hurt a ton when noogied |
TRAIT_GARLIC_BREATH | Used to activate french kissing |
TRAIT_PLASMABURNT | Used on limbs in the process of turning a human into a plasmaman while in plasma lava |
TRAIT_HOPELESSLY_ADDICTED | Addictions don't tick down, basically they're permanently addicted |
TRAIT_BLOODSHOT_EYES | Special examine if eyes are visible |
TRAIT_PRESERVE_UI_WITHOUT_CLIENT | This mob should never close UI even if it doesn't have a client |
TRAIT_CAN_USE_FLIGHT_POTION | Lets the mob use flight potions |
TRAIT_BYPASS_MEASURES | This mob overrides certian SSlag_switch measures with this special trait |
TRAIT_SPARRING | The user is sparring |
TRAIT_BLUSHING | This person is blushing |
TRAIT_ALLOWED_HONORBOUND_ATTACK | Someone can safely be attacked with honorbound with ONLY a combat mode check, the trait is assuring holding a weapon and hitting won't hurt them.. |
TRAIT_AI_BAGATTACK | This atom can ignore the "is on a turf" check for simple AI datum attacks, allowing them to attack from bags or lockers as long as any other conditions are met |
TRAIT_INVISIBLE_MAN | This mobs bodyparts are invisible but still clickable. |
TRAIT_FREE_FLOAT_MOVEMENT | When people are floating from zero-grav or something, we can move around freely! |
TRAIT_FUGU_GLANDED | Trait used by fugu glands to avoid double buffing |
TRAIT_HOT_SPRING_CURSED | Trait applied to /datum/mind to stop someone from using the cursed hot springs to polymorph more than once. |
TRAIT_CURSED | Gibs on death and slips like ice. |
TRAIT_SPIDER_CONSUMED | Whether a spider's consumed this mob |
TRAIT_ALIEN_SNEAK | Whether we're sneaking, from the alien sneak ability. Maybe worth generalizing into a general "is sneaky" / "is stealth" trait in the future. |
TRAIT_CAN_STRIP | This mob can strip other mobs. |
TRAIT_MAGICALLY_PHASED | This mob is phased out of reality from magic, either a jaunt or rod form |
TRAIT_MOVE_GROUND | Movement type traits for movables. See elements/ |
TRAIT_NO_FLOATING_ANIM | Disables the floating animation. See above. |
TRAIT_DISABLED_BY_WOUND | Used for limbs. |
TRAIT_ACTIVE_STORAGE | every object that is currently the active storage of some client mob has this trait |
TRAIT_MAT_TRANSMUTED | Marks the item as having been transmuted. Functionally blacklists the item from being recycled or sold for materials. |
TRAIT_BANNED_FROM_CARGO_SHUTTLE | If the item will block the cargo shuttle from flying to centcom |
TRAIT_NO_STORAGE_INSERT | cannot be inserted in a storage. |
TRAIT_T_RAY_VISIBLE | Visible on t-ray scanners if the atom/var/level == 1 |
TRAIT_FOOD_GRILLED | If this item's been grilled |
TRAIT_FOOD_CHEF_MADE | If this item's been made by a chef instead of being map-spawned or admin-spawned or such |
TRAIT_NEEDS_TWO_HANDS | The items needs two hands to be carried |
TRAIT_UNCATCHABLE | Can't be catched when thrown |
TRAIT_FISH_SAFE_STORAGE | Fish in this won't die |
TRAIT_FISH_CASE_COMPATIBILE | Stuff that can go inside fish cases |
TRAIT_PLANT_WILDMUTATE | Plants that were mutated as a result of passive instability, not a mutation threshold. |
TRAIT_APC_SHOCKING | If you hit an APC with exposed internals with this item it will try to shock you |
TRAIT_WIELDED | Properly wielded two handed item |
TRAIT_NO_IMMOBILIZE | Buckling yourself to objects with this trait won't immobilize you |
TRAIT_NO_STRIP | Prevents stripping this equipment |
TRAIT_NO_BARCODES | Disallows this item from being pricetagged with a barcode |
TRAIT_ALLOW_HERETIC_CASTING | Allows heretics to cast their spells. |
TRAIT_LIVING_HEART | Designates a heart as a living heart for a heretic. |
TRAIT_DRYABLE | Trait for dryable items |
TRAIT_DRIED | Trait for dried items |
TRAIT_CUSTOMIZABLE_REAGENT_HOLDER | Trait for customizable reagent holder |
TRAIT_MAY_CONTAIN_BLENDED_DUST | Minor trait used for beakers, or beaker-ishes. /obj/item/reagent_containers, to show that they've been used in a reagent grinder. |
TRAIT_CANNOT_CRYSTALIZE | Trait put on /mob/living/carbon/human. If that mob has a crystal core, also known as an ethereal heart, it will not try to revive them if the mob dies. |
TRAIT_FIREDOOR_STOP | Trait applied to turfs when an atmos holosign is placed on them. It will stop firedoors from closing. |
TRAIT_COMPONENT_MMI | Trait applied when the MMI component is added to an /obj/item/integrated_circuit |
TRAIT_CIRCUIT_UNDUPABLE | Trait applied when an integrated circuit/module becomes undupable |
CIRCUIT_HEAR_TRAIT | Hearing trait that is from the hearing component |
TRAIT_PDA_MESSAGE_MENU_RIGGED | PDA Traits. This one makes PDAs explode if the user opens the messages menu |
TRAIT_PDA_CAN_EXPLODE | This one denotes a PDA has received a rigged message and will explode when the user tries to reply to a rigged PDA message |
TRAIT_DISEASELIKE_SEVERITY_MEDIUM | If present on a /mob/living/carbon, will make them appear to have a medium level disease on health HUDs. |
TRAIT_TENACIOUS | trait denoting someone will crawl faster in soft crit |
TRAIT_UNBREAKABLE | trait denoting someone will sometimes recover out of crit |
EXPERIMENTAL_SURGERY_TRAIT | Trait inherited by experimental surgeries |
QUIRK_TRAIT | cannot be removed without admin intervention Any traits granted by quirks. |
LICH_TRAIT | (B)admins only. |
MASK_TRAIT | inherited from the mask |
IMPLANT_TRAIT | Trait inherited by implants |
BUCKLED_TRAIT | trait associated to being buckled |
CHOKEHOLD_TRAIT | trait associated to being held in a chokehold |
RESTING_TRAIT | trait associated to resting |
STAT_TRAIT | trait associated to a stat value or range of |
SUIT_TRAIT | Trait associated to wearing a suit |
LYING_DOWN_TRAIT | Trait associated to lying down (having a [lying_angle] of a different value than zero). |
POWER_LACK_TRAIT | Trait associated to lacking electrical power. |
HIGHLANDER_TRAIT | Trait associated with highlander |
TRAIT_RUSTY | generic atom traits Trait from /datum/element/rust. Its rusty and should be applying a special overlay to denote this. |
DO_NOT_SPLASH | stops someone from splashing their reagent_container on an object with this trait |
CURRENTLY_CLEANING | Marks an atom when the cleaning of it is first started, so that the cleaning overlay doesn't get removed prematurely |
LACKING_LOCOMOTION_APPENDAGES_TRAIT | trait associated to not having locomotion appendages nor the ability to fly or float |
LACKING_MANIPULATION_APPENDAGES_TRAIT | trait associated to not having fine manipulation appendages such as hands |
WARPWHISTLE_TRAIT | Trait granted by /obj/item/warpwhistle |
SOULSTONE_TRAIT | Trait applied by /datum/component/soulstoned |
SLIME_COLD | Trait applied to slimes by low temperature |
TIPPED_OVER | Trait applied to mobs by being tipped over |
PAI_FOLDED | Trait applied to PAIs by being folded |
BRAIN_UNAIDED | Trait applied to brain mobs when they lack external aid for locomotion, such as being inside a mech. |
ELEMENT_TRAIT | Trait applied by element |
BERSERK_TRAIT | Trait granted by /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/space/hardsuit/berserker |
HIPPOCRATIC_OATH_TRAIT | Trait granted by /obj/item/rod_of_asclepius |
BLOODDRUNK_TRAIT | Trait granted by /datum/status_effect/blooddrunk |
BEAUTY_ELEMENT_TRAIT | Self-explainatory. |
STABILIZED_LIGHT_PINK_TRAIT | Pacifism trait given by stabilized light pink extracts. |
NO_TONGUE_TRAIT | Trait granted by [/mob/living/carbon/Initialize] and granted/removed by /obj/item/organ/tongue Used for ensuring that carbons without tongues cannot taste anything so it is added in Initialize, and then removed when a tongue is inserted and readded when a tongue is removed. |
MODEL_TRAIT | Trait granted by /mob/living/silicon/robot Traits applied to a silicon mob by their model. |
AI_ANCHOR_TRAIT | Trait granted by mob/living/silicon/ai Applied when the ai anchors itself |
TRAIT_MAGNETIC_ID_CARD | ID cards with this trait will attempt to forcibly occupy the front-facing ID card slot in wallets. |
CHAMELEON_ITEM_TRAIT | Traits granted to items due to their chameleon properties. |
TRAIT_FINGERPRINT_PASSTHROUGH | Ignores body_parts_covered during the add_fingerprint() proc. Works both on the person and the item in the glove slot. |
TRAIT_LOOKING_INTO_DISTANCE | Is looking at distance (alt + mmb) |
TRAIT_DOUBLE_TAP | When someone with this trait fires a ranged weapon, their fire delays and click cooldowns are halved |
TRAIT_GONE_FISHING | Currently fishing |
TRAIT_HEALS_FROM_CARP_RIFTS | This mob heals from carp rifts. |
TRAIT_HEALS_FROM_CULT_PYLONS | This mob heals from cult pylons. |
MIND_TRAIT_OBJECTIVE_DEAD | This mob is considered dead for the sake of objectives |
MOD_TRAIT | Trait applied by MODsuits. |
TRAIT_DEL_ON_SPACE_DUMP | Deletes the object upon being dumped into space, usually from exiting hyperspace. Useful if you're spawning in a lot of stuff for hyperspace events that dont need to flood the entire game |
TRAIT_MORBID | Mobs with this trait do care about a few grisly things, such as digging up graves. They also really do not like bringing people back to life or tending wounds, but love autopsies and amputations. |
HAS_MIND_TRAIT | A simple helper for checking traits in a mob's mind |
Define Details
This trait is added by the active directional block system.
This trait is added by the parry system.
Trait granted by mob/living/silicon/ai Applied when the ai anchors itself
Trait granted by /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/space/hardsuit/berserker
Trait granted by /datum/status_effect/blooddrunk
Trait applied to brain mobs when they lack external aid for locomotion, such as being inside a mech.
trait associated to being buckled
Traits granted to items due to their chameleon properties.
trait associated to being held in a chokehold
Hearing trait that is from the hearing component
Marks an atom when the cleaning of it is first started, so that the cleaning overlay doesn't get removed prematurely
stops someone from splashing their reagent_container on an object with this trait
Trait applied by element
Trait inherited by experimental surgeries
A simple helper for checking traits in a mob's mind
Trait associated with highlander
Trait granted by /obj/item/rod_of_asclepius
Trait inherited by implants
trait associated to not having locomotion appendages nor the ability to fly or float
trait associated to not having fine manipulation appendages such as hands
(B)admins only.
Trait granted by lipstick
Trait associated to lying down (having a [lying_angle] of a different value than zero).
Trait associated with mafia
obtained from mapping helper
inherited from the mask
This mob is considered dead for the sake of objectives
Trait granted by /mob/living/silicon/robot Traits applied to a silicon mob by their model.
Trait applied by MODsuits.
Trait granted by [/mob/living/carbon/Initialize] and granted/removed by /obj/item/organ/tongue Used for ensuring that carbons without tongues cannot taste anything so it is added in Initialize, and then removed when a tongue is inserted and readded when a tongue is removed.
Trait applied to PAIs by being folded
Trait associated to lacking electrical power.
cannot be removed without admin intervention Any traits granted by quirks.
trait associated to resting
Trait applied to slimes by low temperature
Trait applied by /datum/component/soulstoned
Pacifism trait given by stabilized light pink extracts.
Traits given by station traits
trait associated to a stat value or range of
Trait associated to wearing a suit
Trait given from playing pretend with baguettes
Trait applied to mobs by being tipped over
every object that is currently the active storage of some client mob has this trait
Whether a mob is dexterous enough to use machines and certain items or not.
This atom can ignore the "is on a turf" check for simple AI datum attacks, allowing them to attack from bags or lockers as long as any other conditions are met
Whether we're sneaking, from the alien sneak ability. Maybe worth generalizing into a general "is sneaky" / "is stealth" trait in the future.
Someone can safely be attacked with honorbound with ONLY a combat mode check, the trait is assuring holding a weapon and hitting won't hurt them..
Allows heretics to cast their spells.
The holder of this trait has antennae or whatever that hurt a ton when noogied
From anti-convulsant medication against seizures.
Like antimagic, but doesn't block the user from casting
If you hit an APC with exposed internals with this item it will try to shock you
If the item will block the cargo shuttle from flying to centcom
Used for fireman carry to have mobe not be dropped when passing by a prone individual.
Special examine if eyes are visible
from heparin, makes open bleeding wounds rapidly spill more blood
This person is blushing
This mob overrides certian SSlag_switch measures with this special trait
Prevents a mob from being unbuckled, currently only used to prevent people from falling over on the tram
Trait put on /mob/living/carbon/human. If that mob has a crystal core, also known as an ethereal heart, it will not try to revive them if the mob dies.
These are used for brain-based paralysis, where replacing the limb won't fix it
Prevents mob from riding mobs when buckled onto something
This mob is able to use sign language over the radio.
This mob can strip other mobs.
Lets the mob use flight potions
Trait applied when an integrated circuit/module becomes undupable
Climbable trait, given and taken by the climbable element when added or removed. Exists to be easily checked via HAS_TRAIT().
from coagulant reagents, this doesn't affect the bleeding itself but does affect the bleed warning messages
COMBAT MODE/SPRINT MODE TRAITS Prevents combat mode from being active.
Trait applied when the MMI component is added to an /obj/item/integrated_circuit
Prevents you from leaving your corpse
In some kind of critical condition. Is able to succumb.
Gibs on death and slips like ice.
Trait for customizable reagent holder
An item still plays its hitsound even if it has 0 force, instead of the tap
Deletes the object upon being dumped into space, usually from exiting hyperspace. Useful if you're spawning in a lot of stuff for hyperspace events that dont need to flood the entire game
for something granting you a diagnostic hud
Used for limbs.
If present on a /mob/living/carbon, will make them appear to have a medium level disease on health HUDs.
When someone with this trait fires a ranged weapon, their fire delays and click cooldowns are halved
Trait for dried items
Trait for dryable items
You've been cursed with a living duffelbag, and can't have more added
reduces the use time of syringes, pills, patches and medigels but only when using on someone
Ignores body_parts_covered during the add_fingerprint() proc. Works both on the person and the item in the glove slot.
Trait applied to turfs when an atmos holosign is placed on them. It will stop firedoors from closing.
Stuff that can go inside fish cases
Fish in this won't die
Makes you flashable from any direction
If this item's been made by a chef instead of being map-spawned or admin-spawned or such
If this item's been grilled
Forces user to stay standing
When people are floating from zero-grav or something, we can move around freely!
Trait used by fugu glands to avoid double buffing
Gets double arcade prizes
Used to activate french kissing
Reduces chance of breaking a grip
Currently fishing
Makes it so the mob can use guns regardless of tool user status
Prevents usage of manipulation appendages (picking, holding or using items, manipulating storage).
This mob heals from carp rifts.
This mob heals from cult pylons.
Addictions don't tick down, basically they're permanently addicted
Trait applied to /datum/mind to stop someone from using the cursed hot springs to polymorph more than once.
forces us to not render our overlays
Prevents voluntary movement.
This mobs bodyparts are invisible but still clickable.
Used for managing KEEP_TOGETHER in [appearance_flags]
Blowing kisses that actually do damage to the victim
Forces the user to stay unconscious.
Weather immunities, also protect mobs inside them.
Designates a heart as a living heart for a heretic.
forces update_density to make us not dense
Is looking at distance (alt + mmb)
This mob is phased out of reality from magic, either a jaunt or rod form
ID cards with this trait will attempt to forcibly occupy the front-facing ID card slot in wallets.
nobody can use martial arts on this mob
Marks the item as having been transmuted. Functionally blacklists the item from being recycled or sold for materials.
Minor trait used for beakers, or beaker-ishes. /obj/item/reagent_containers, to show that they've been used in a reagent grinder.
Is a medbot healing you
Gives us turf vision through walls and slight night vision
Disallow movement
Disallow pickup
Disallow resting/unresting
Disallow item use
Mobs with this trait do care about a few grisly things, such as digging up graves. They also really do not like bringing people back to life or tending wounds, but love autopsies and amputations.
Movement type traits for movables. See elements/
The items needs two hands to be carried
Negates our gravity, letting us move normally on floors in 0-g
Makes you immune to flashes
Prevents plasmamen from self-igniting if only their helmet is missing
Disallows this item from being pricetagged with a barcode
Disables the floating animation. See above.
Buckling yourself to objects with this trait won't immobilize you
This mob has no soul
Prevents stamina buffer regeneration
Prevents stamina regeneration
cannot be inserted in a storage.
Prevents stripping this equipment
This one denotes a PDA has received a rigged message and will explode when the user tries to reply to a rigged PDA message
PDA Traits. This one makes PDAs explode if the user opens the messages menu
Doesn't miss attacks
overrides the update_fire proc to always add fire (for lava)
We can handle 'dangerous' plants in botany safely
Plants that were mutated as a result of passive instability, not a mutation threshold.
Used on limbs in the process of turning a human into a plasmaman while in plasma lava
This mob should never close UI even if it doesn't have a client
Inability to pull things. Turned into a trait from MOBILITY_PULL to be able to track sources.
Lets us scan reagents
Lets us scan machine parts and tech unlocks
Abstract condition that prevents movement if being pulled and might be resisted against. Handcuffs and straight jackets, basically.
generic atom traits Trait from /datum/element/rust. Its rusty and should be applying a special overlay to denote this.
Galactic Common Sign Language
makes your footsteps completely silent
The user is sparring
Increases chance of getting special traumas, makes them harder to cure
Whether a spider's consumed this mob
Prevents sprinting from being active.
trait denoting someone will crawl faster in soft crit
Gives us mob vision through walls and slight night vision
Immune to being afflicted by time stop (spell)
Gives us Night vision
prevents the damage done by a brain tumor
Visible on t-ray scanners if the atom/var/level == 1
Inability to access UI hud elements. Turned into a trait from MOBILITY_UI to be able to track sources.
trait denoting someone will sometimes recover out of crit
Can't be catched when thrown
Revenants draining you only get a very small benefit.
Can weave webs into cloth
Properly wielded two handed item
prevents xeno huggies implanting skeletons
Gives us turf, mob and object vision through walls
Turf trait for when a turf is transparent
Trait granted by /obj/item/warpwhistle