code/game/turfs/simulated/ ![code/game/turfs/simulated/lava.dm0](git.png)
/turf/open/lava | LAVA |
LAVA_BE_IGNORING | Generic return value of the can_burn_stuff() proc. Does nothing. |
LAVA_BE_PROCESSING | Another. Won't burn the target but will make the turf start processing. |
LAVA_BE_BURNING | Burns the target and makes the turf process (depending on the return value of do_burn()). |
Define Details
LAVA_BE_BURNING ![code/game/turfs/simulated/ 126](git.png)
Burns the target and makes the turf process (depending on the return value of do_burn()).
LAVA_BE_IGNORING ![code/game/turfs/simulated/ 122](git.png)
Generic return value of the can_burn_stuff() proc. Does nothing.
LAVA_BE_PROCESSING ![code/game/turfs/simulated/ 124](git.png)
Another. Won't burn the target but will make the turf start processing.