code/modules/power/ ![code/modules/power/apc.dm0](git.png)
APC_ELECTRONICS_MISSING | There are no electronics in the APC. |
APC_ELECTRONICS_INSTALLED | The electronics are installed but not secured. |
APC_ELECTRONICS_SECURED | The electronics are installed and secured. |
APC_COVER_CLOSED | The APCs cover is closed. |
APC_COVER_OPENED | The APCs cover is open. |
APC_COVER_REMOVED | The APCs cover is missing. |
APC_NOT_CHARGING | The APC is not charging. |
APC_CHARGING | The APC is charging. |
APC_FULLY_CHARGED | The APC is fully charged. |
APC_CHANNEL_OFF | The APCs power channel is manually set off. |
APC_CHANNEL_AUTO_OFF | The APCs power channel is automatically off. |
APC_CHANNEL_ON | The APCs power channel is manually set on. |
APC_CHANNEL_AUTO_ON | The APCs power channel is automatically on. |
AUTOSET_FORCE_OFF | The APC turns automated and manual power channels off. |
AUTOSET_OFF | The APC turns automated power channels off. |
AUTOSET_ON | The APC turns automated power channels on. |
APC_NO_POWER | The APC either isn't attached to a powernet or there is no power on the external powernet. |
APC_LOW_POWER | The APCs external powernet does not have enough power to charge the APC. |
APC_HAS_POWER | The APCs external powernet has enough power to charge the APC. |
APC_DRAIN_TIME | How long it takes an ethereal to drain or charge APCs. Also used as a spam limiter. |
APC_POWER_GAIN | How much power ethereals gain/drain from APCs. |
APC_RESET_EMP | The wire value used to reset the APCs wires after one's EMPed. |
UPSTATE_COVER_SHIFT | The bit shift for the APCs cover status. |
UPSTATE_OPENED1 | The bitflag representing the APCs cover being open for icon purposes. |
UPSTATE_OPENED2 | The bitflag representing the APCs cover being missing for icon purposes. |
UPSTATE_CELL_IN | The APC has a power cell. |
UPSTATE_BROKE | The APC is broken or damaged. |
UPSTATE_MAINT | The APC is undergoing maintenance. |
UPSTATE_BLUESCREEN | The APC is emagged or malfed. |
UPSTATE_WIREEXP | The APCs wires are exposed. |
UPOVERLAY_OPERATING | Bitflag indicating that the APCs operating status overlay should be shown. |
UPOVERLAY_LOCKED | Bitflag indicating that the APCs locked status overlay should be shown. |
UPOVERLAY_CHARGING_SHIFT | Bit shift for the charging status of the APC. |
UPOVERLAY_EQUIPMENT_SHIFT | Bit shift for the equipment status of the APC. |
UPOVERLAY_LIGHTING_SHIFT | Bit shift for the lighting channel status of the APC. |
UPOVERLAY_ENVIRON_SHIFT | Bit shift for the environment channel status of the APC. |
UPOVERLAY_HIJACKED | Update for hijack overlays |
Define Details
APC_CHANNEL_AUTO_OFF ![code/modules/power/ 30](git.png)
The APCs power channel is automatically off.
APC_CHANNEL_AUTO_ON ![code/modules/power/ 34](git.png)
The APCs power channel is automatically on.
APC_CHANNEL_OFF ![code/modules/power/ 28](git.png)
The APCs power channel is manually set off.
APC_CHANNEL_ON ![code/modules/power/ 32](git.png)
The APCs power channel is manually set on.
APC_CHARGING ![code/modules/power/ 21](git.png)
The APC is charging.
APC_COVER_CLOSED ![code/modules/power/ 11](git.png)
The APCs cover is closed.
APC_COVER_OPENED ![code/modules/power/ 13](git.png)
The APCs cover is open.
APC_COVER_REMOVED ![code/modules/power/ 15](git.png)
The APCs cover is missing.
APC_DRAIN_TIME ![code/modules/power/ 55](git.png)
How long it takes an ethereal to drain or charge APCs. Also used as a spam limiter.
APC_ELECTRONICS_INSTALLED ![code/modules/power/ 5](git.png)
The electronics are installed but not secured.
APC_ELECTRONICS_MISSING ![code/modules/power/ 3](git.png)
There are no electronics in the APC.
APC_ELECTRONICS_SECURED ![code/modules/power/ 7](git.png)
The electronics are installed and secured.
APC_FULLY_CHARGED ![code/modules/power/ 23](git.png)
The APC is fully charged.
APC_HAS_POWER ![code/modules/power/ 51](git.png)
The APCs external powernet has enough power to charge the APC.
APC_LOW_POWER ![code/modules/power/ 49](git.png)
The APCs external powernet does not have enough power to charge the APC.
APC_NOT_CHARGING ![code/modules/power/ 19](git.png)
The APC is not charging.
APC_NO_POWER ![code/modules/power/ 47](git.png)
The APC either isn't attached to a powernet or there is no power on the external powernet.
APC_POWER_GAIN ![code/modules/power/ 57](git.png)
How much power ethereals gain/drain from APCs.
APC_RESET_EMP ![code/modules/power/ 61](git.png)
The wire value used to reset the APCs wires after one's EMPed.
AUTOSET_FORCE_OFF ![code/modules/power/ 39](git.png)
The APC turns automated and manual power channels off.
AUTOSET_OFF ![code/modules/power/ 41](git.png)
The APC turns automated power channels off.
AUTOSET_ON ![code/modules/power/ 43](git.png)
The APC turns automated power channels on.
UPOVERLAY_CHARGING_SHIFT ![code/modules/power/ 93](git.png)
Bit shift for the charging status of the APC.
UPOVERLAY_ENVIRON_SHIFT ![code/modules/power/ 99](git.png)
Bit shift for the environment channel status of the APC.
UPOVERLAY_EQUIPMENT_SHIFT ![code/modules/power/ 95](git.png)
Bit shift for the equipment status of the APC.
UPOVERLAY_HIJACKED ![code/modules/power/ 101](git.png)
Update for hijack overlays
UPOVERLAY_LIGHTING_SHIFT ![code/modules/power/ 97](git.png)
Bit shift for the lighting channel status of the APC.
UPOVERLAY_LOCKED ![code/modules/power/ 89](git.png)
Bitflag indicating that the APCs locked status overlay should be shown.
UPOVERLAY_OPERATING ![code/modules/power/ 87](git.png)
Bitflag indicating that the APCs operating status overlay should be shown.
UPSTATE_BLUESCREEN ![code/modules/power/ 80](git.png)
The APC is emagged or malfed.
UPSTATE_BROKE ![code/modules/power/ 76](git.png)
The APC is broken or damaged.
UPSTATE_CELL_IN ![code/modules/power/ 74](git.png)
The APC has a power cell.
UPSTATE_COVER_SHIFT ![code/modules/power/ 66](git.png)
The bit shift for the APCs cover status.
UPSTATE_MAINT ![code/modules/power/ 78](git.png)
The APC is undergoing maintenance.
UPSTATE_OPENED1 ![code/modules/power/ 68](git.png)
The bitflag representing the APCs cover being open for icon purposes.
UPSTATE_OPENED2 ![code/modules/power/ 70](git.png)
The bitflag representing the APCs cover being missing for icon purposes.
UPSTATE_WIREEXP ![code/modules/power/ 82](git.png)
The APCs wires are exposed.