Space Station 13 - Modules - Types


/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/trinary/nuclear_reactorWhat is this? Moderators list (Not gonna keep this accurate forever): Fuel Type: Oxygen: Power production multiplier. Allows you to run a low plasma, high oxy mix, and still get a lot of power. Plasma: Power production gas. More plasma -> more power, but it enriches your fuel and makes the reactor much, much harder to control. Tritium: Extremely efficient power production gas. Will cause chernobyl if used improperly. Moderation Type: N2: Helps you regain control of the reaction by increasing control rod effectiveness, will massively boost the rad production of the reactor. CO2: Super effective shutdown gas for runaway reactions. MASSIVE RADIATION PENALTY! Pluoxium: Same as N2, but no cancer-rads! Permeability Type: BZ: Increases your reactor's ability to transfer its heat to the coolant, thus letting you cool it down faster (but your output will get hotter) N2O: Inefficient permeability gas. Water Vapour: More efficient permeability modifier Hyper Noblium: Extremely efficient permeability increase. (10x as efficient as bz) Depletion type: Nitryl: When you need weapons grade plutonium yesterday. Causes your fuel to deplete much, much faster. Not a huge amount of use outside of sabotage. Sabotage: Meltdown: Flood reactor moderator with plasma, they won't be able to mitigate the reaction with control rods. Shut off coolant entirely. Raise control rods. Swap all fuel out with spent fuel, as it's way stronger. Blowout: Shut off exit valve for quick overpressure. Cause a pipefire in the coolant line (LETHAL). Tack heater onto coolant line (can also cause straight meltdown) Tips: Be careful to not exhaust your plasma supply. I recommend you DON'T max out the moderator input when youre running plasma + o2, or you're at a tangible risk of running out of those gasses from atmos. The reactor CHEWS through moderator. It does not do this slowly. Be very careful with that!