Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


VOG_MAX_STANDARD_POWERanything above this requires adminbus, to prevent a cultist from stacking chaplain + cult + specific listener = 8x, which is enough to instantly kill someone with damage.
VOG_MAX_BURST_DAMAGEmax damage we can do in one "blast" to a listener
VOG_MAX_BURST_HEALmax healing we can do in one "blast" to a listener
/proc/voice_of_godVOICE OF GOD
/proc/get_vog_specialget special role multiplier for voice of god. No double dipping.
/obj/item/organ/vocal_cords/velvetENTHRAL VELVET CHORDS

Define Details


max damage we can do in one "blast" to a listener


max healing we can do in one "blast" to a listener


anything above this requires adminbus, to prevent a cultist from stacking chaplain + cult + specific listener = 8x, which is enough to instantly kill someone with damage.