Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Carries data like list data that would be a waste of memory if we initialized the list on every /item as we can cache datums easier.


autoparry_cooldown_absoluteHard autoparry cooldown
autoparry_mouse_delay_maximumADVANCED - Autoparry requirement for time since last moused over for a specific object
autoparry_sequence_simulationAutoparry : Simulate a parry sequence starting at a certain tick, or simply simulate a single attack parry?
autoparry_sequence_start_timeDecisecond of sequence to start on. -1 to start to 0th tick of active parry window.
autoparry_single_efficiencySingle attack autoparry - efficiency
autoparry_single_efficiency_overrideSingle attack autoparry - efficiency overrides by attack type, see above
block_active_priorityThe priority we get in mob/do_run_block() while we're being used to parry.
block_automatic_directionsDirections that you can autoblock in. Null to default to normal directions.
block_automatic_enabledCan this item automatically block?
block_automatic_mitigation_multiplierEffectiveness multiplier for automated block. Only applies to efficiency, absorption and limits stay the same!
block_automatic_stamina_multiplierStamina cost multiplier for automated block
block_damage_absorptionAmount of "free" damage blocking absorbs
block_damage_absorption_overrideOverride absorption, list("[ATTACK_TYPE_DEFINE]" = absorption), see [block_damage_absorption]
block_damage_limitUpper bound of damage block, anything above this will go right through.
block_damage_limit_overrideOverride upper bound of damage block, list("[ATTACK_TYPE_DEFINE]" = absorption), see [block_damage_limit]
block_damage_multiplierRatio of damage to allow through above absorption and below limit. Multiplied by damage to determine how much to let through. Lower is better.
block_damage_multiplier_overrideOverride damage overrun efficiency, list("[ATTACK_TYPE_DEFINE]" = absorption), see [block_damage_efficiency]
block_end_click_cd_addClickdelay added to user after block ends
block_lock_attackingDisallow attacking during block
block_lock_sprintingDisallow sprinting during block
block_no_stambuffer_regenerationPrevent stamina buffer regeneration while block?
block_no_stamina_regenerationPrevent stamina regeneration while block?
block_projectile_mitigationThe blocked variable of on_hit() on projectiles is impacted by this. Higher is better, 0 to 100, percentage.
block_resting_attack_types_anydirBitfield for attack types that we can block while down. This will work in any direction.
block_resting_attack_types_directionalBitfield for attack types that we can block while down but only in our normal directions.
block_resting_stamina_penalty_multiplierMultiplier to stamina damage taken for attacks blocked while downed.
block_resting_stamina_penalty_multiplier_overrideOverride list for multiplier to stamina damage taken for attacks blocked while down. list("[ATTACK_TYPE_DEFINE]" = multiplier_number)
block_slowdownOur slowdown added while blocking
block_soundsSounds for blocking
block_stamina_buffer_ratioRatio of stamina incurred by chest (so after [block_stamina_limb_ratio] runs) that is buffered.
block_stamina_cost_per_secondStamina dealt directly via UseStaminaBuffer() per SECOND of block.
block_stamina_efficiencyDefault damage-to-stamina coefficient, higher is better. This is based on amount of damage BLOCKED, not initial damage, to prevent damage from "double dipping".
block_stamina_efficiency_overrideOverride damage-to-stamina coefficient, see [block_efficiency], this should be list("[ATTACK_TYPE_DEFINE]" = coefficient_number)
block_stamina_limb_ratioRatio of stamina incurred by blocking that goes to the arm holding the object instead of the chest. Has no effect if this is not held in hand.
block_start_delayWindup before we have our blocking active.
can_block_attack_typesAttacks we can block
can_block_directions//////// BLOCKING //////////// NOTE: FOR ATTACK_TYPE_DEFINE, you MUST wrap it in "[DEFINE_HERE]"! The defines are bitflags, and therefore, NUMBERS! See defines. Point of reference is someone facing north.
parry_allow_repeated_counterattacksAllow multiple counterattacks per parry sequence. Bad idea.
parry_attack_typesAttack types we can block
parry_automatic_enabledCan this data automatically parry? This is off by default because this is something that requires thought to balance.
parry_cooldownParrying cooldown, separate of clickdelay. It must be this much deciseconds since their last parry for them to parry with this object.
parry_dataParry effect data.
parry_effect_icon_stateVisual icon state override for parrying
parry_efficiency_considered_successfulEfficiency must be at least this to be considered successful
parry_efficiency_perfectEfficiency in percent on perfect parry.
parry_efficiency_perfect_overrideOverride for attack types, list("[ATTACK_TYPE_DEFINE]" = perecntage) for perfect efficiency.
parry_efficiency_to_counterattackEfficiency must be at least this to run automatic counterattack
parry_failed_clickcd_durationClickdelay duration post-parry if you fail to parry an attack
parry_failed_cooldown_durationParry cooldown post-parry if failed. This is ADDED to parry_cooldown!!!
parry_failed_stagger_durationStagger duration post-parry if you fail to parry an attack
parry_flagsParry flags
parry_imperfect_falloff_percentParry "efficiency" falloff in percent per decisecond once perfect window is over.
parry_imperfect_falloff_percent_override[parry_imperfect_falloff_percent] override for attack types, list("[ATTACK_TYPE_DEFINE]" = deciseconds)
parry_max_attacksMaximum attacks to parry successfully or unsuccessfully (but not efficiency < 0) during active period, hitting this immediately ends the sequence.
parry_respect_clickdelay//////// PARRYING //////////// Priority for mob/do_run_block() while we're being used to parry. Parry doesn't work if you aren't able to otherwise attack due to clickdelay
parry_soundsSounds for parrying
parry_stamina_costParry stamina cost
parry_start_soundParry start sound
parry_time_activeMain parry window in deciseconds. This is between [parry_time_windup] and [parry_time_spindown]
parry_time_active_visual_overrideIf set, overrides visual duration of active period
parry_time_perfectPerfect parry window in deciseconds from the start of the main window. 3 with main 5 = perfect on third decisecond of main window.
parry_time_perfect_leewayTime on both sides of perfect parry that still counts as part of the perfect window.
parry_time_perfect_leeway_override[parry_time_perfect_leeway] override for attack types, list("[ATTACK_TYPE_DEFINE]" = deciseconds)
parry_time_spindownParry spindown duration in deciseconds. main stage end to this is the spindown stage, afterwards the parry fully ends.
parry_time_spindown_visual_overrideIf set, overrides visual duration of spindown
parry_time_windupParry windup duration in deciseconds. 0 to this is windup, afterwards is main stage.
parry_time_windup_visual_overrideIf set, overrides visual duration of windup
perfect_parry_block_return_flagsFlags added to return value
perfect_parry_block_return_listList appended to block return


attack_type_list_scanQuirky proc to get average of flags in list that are in attack_type because why is attack_type a flag.
get_parry_efficiencyGets the percentage efficiency of our parry.
render_html_readoutGenerates a HTML render of this datum for self-documentation Maybe make this tgui-next someday haha god this is ugly as sin. Does NOT include the popout or title or anything. Just the variables and explanations..

Var Details


Hard autoparry cooldown


ADVANCED - Autoparry requirement for time since last moused over for a specific object


Autoparry : Simulate a parry sequence starting at a certain tick, or simply simulate a single attack parry?


Decisecond of sequence to start on. -1 to start to 0th tick of active parry window.


Single attack autoparry - efficiency


Single attack autoparry - efficiency overrides by attack type, see above


The priority we get in mob/do_run_block() while we're being used to parry.


Directions that you can autoblock in. Null to default to normal directions.


Can this item automatically block?


Effectiveness multiplier for automated block. Only applies to efficiency, absorption and limits stay the same!


Stamina cost multiplier for automated block


Amount of "free" damage blocking absorbs


Override absorption, list("[ATTACK_TYPE_DEFINE]" = absorption), see [block_damage_absorption]


Upper bound of damage block, anything above this will go right through.


Override upper bound of damage block, list("[ATTACK_TYPE_DEFINE]" = absorption), see [block_damage_limit]


Ratio of damage to allow through above absorption and below limit. Multiplied by damage to determine how much to let through. Lower is better.


Override damage overrun efficiency, list("[ATTACK_TYPE_DEFINE]" = absorption), see [block_damage_efficiency]


Clickdelay added to user after block ends


Disallow attacking during block


Disallow sprinting during block


Prevent stamina buffer regeneration while block?


Prevent stamina regeneration while block?


The blocked variable of on_hit() on projectiles is impacted by this. Higher is better, 0 to 100, percentage.


Bitfield for attack types that we can block while down. This will work in any direction.


Bitfield for attack types that we can block while down but only in our normal directions.


Multiplier to stamina damage taken for attacks blocked while downed.


Override list for multiplier to stamina damage taken for attacks blocked while down. list("[ATTACK_TYPE_DEFINE]" = multiplier_number)


Our slowdown added while blocking


Sounds for blocking


Ratio of stamina incurred by chest (so after [block_stamina_limb_ratio] runs) that is buffered.


Stamina dealt directly via UseStaminaBuffer() per SECOND of block.


Default damage-to-stamina coefficient, higher is better. This is based on amount of damage BLOCKED, not initial damage, to prevent damage from "double dipping".


Override damage-to-stamina coefficient, see [block_efficiency], this should be list("[ATTACK_TYPE_DEFINE]" = coefficient_number)


Ratio of stamina incurred by blocking that goes to the arm holding the object instead of the chest. Has no effect if this is not held in hand.


Windup before we have our blocking active.


Attacks we can block


//////// BLOCKING //////////// NOTE: FOR ATTACK_TYPE_DEFINE, you MUST wrap it in "[DEFINE_HERE]"! The defines are bitflags, and therefore, NUMBERS! See defines. Point of reference is someone facing north.


Allow multiple counterattacks per parry sequence. Bad idea.


Attack types we can block


Can this data automatically parry? This is off by default because this is something that requires thought to balance.


Parrying cooldown, separate of clickdelay. It must be this much deciseconds since their last parry for them to parry with this object.


Parry effect data.


Visual icon state override for parrying


Efficiency must be at least this to be considered successful


Efficiency in percent on perfect parry.


Override for attack types, list("[ATTACK_TYPE_DEFINE]" = perecntage) for perfect efficiency.


Efficiency must be at least this to run automatic counterattack


Clickdelay duration post-parry if you fail to parry an attack


Parry cooldown post-parry if failed. This is ADDED to parry_cooldown!!!


Stagger duration post-parry if you fail to parry an attack


Parry flags


Parry "efficiency" falloff in percent per decisecond once perfect window is over.


[parry_imperfect_falloff_percent] override for attack types, list("[ATTACK_TYPE_DEFINE]" = deciseconds)


Maximum attacks to parry successfully or unsuccessfully (but not efficiency < 0) during active period, hitting this immediately ends the sequence.


//////// PARRYING //////////// Priority for mob/do_run_block() while we're being used to parry. Parry doesn't work if you aren't able to otherwise attack due to clickdelay


Sounds for parrying


Parry stamina cost


Parry start sound


Main parry window in deciseconds. This is between [parry_time_windup] and [parry_time_spindown]


If set, overrides visual duration of active period


Perfect parry window in deciseconds from the start of the main window. 3 with main 5 = perfect on third decisecond of main window.


Time on both sides of perfect parry that still counts as part of the perfect window.


[parry_time_perfect_leeway] override for attack types, list("[ATTACK_TYPE_DEFINE]" = deciseconds)


Parry spindown duration in deciseconds. main stage end to this is the spindown stage, afterwards the parry fully ends.


If set, overrides visual duration of spindown


Parry windup duration in deciseconds. 0 to this is windup, afterwards is main stage.


If set, overrides visual duration of windup


Flags added to return value


List appended to block return

Proc Details


Quirky proc to get average of flags in list that are in attack_type because why is attack_type a flag.


Gets the percentage efficiency of our parry.

Returns a percentage in normal 0 to 100 scale, but not clamped to just 0 to 100. This is a proc to allow for overriding. @params


Generates a HTML render of this datum for self-documentation Maybe make this tgui-next someday haha god this is ugly as sin. Does NOT include the popout or title or anything. Just the variables and explanations..