Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



biomesAll possible biomes in assoc list as type || instance
critical_planesList of plane masters that are of critical priority
max_plane_offsetThe largest plane offset we've generated so far
obfuscation_next_idnext id for separating obfuscated ids.
obfuscation_secret"secret" key
plane_offset_blacklistList of planes that do not allow for offsetting
plane_offset_to_trueAssoc list of string plane values to their true, non offset representation
plane_to_offsetAssoc list of string plane to the plane's offset value
random_generated_ids_by_originalLookup list for random generated IDs.
render_offset_blacklistList of render targets that do not allow for offsetting
true_to_offset_planesAssoc list of true string plane values to a list of all potential offset planess
z_level_to_lowest_plane_offsetList of z level (as number) -> The lowest plane offset in that z stack
z_level_to_plane_offsetList of z level (as number) -> plane offset of that z level Used to maintain the plane cube
z_to_station_z_indexLookup for zlevel to station z. text = num.


get_obfuscated_idGenerates an obfuscated but constant id for an original id for cases where you don't want players codediving for an id. WARNING: MAKE SURE PLAYERS ARE NOT ABLE TO ACCESS THIS. To save performance, it's just secret + an incrementing number. Very guessable if you know what the secret is.
get_station_centerPrefer not to use this one too often
get_turf_aboveAttempt to get the turf above the provided one according to Z traits
get_turf_belowAttempt to get the turf below the provided one according to Z traits
initialize_biomesInitialize all biomes, assoc as type || instance
level_has_all_traitsCheck if levels[z] has all of the specified traits
level_has_any_traitCheck if levels[z] has any of the specified traits
level_traitLook up levels[z].traits[trait]
levels_by_any_traitGet a list of all z which have any of the specified traits
levels_by_traitGet a list of all z which have the specified trait

Var Details


All possible biomes in assoc list as type || instance


List of plane masters that are of critical priority


The largest plane offset we've generated so far


next id for separating obfuscated ids.


"secret" key


List of planes that do not allow for offsetting


Assoc list of string plane values to their true, non offset representation


Assoc list of string plane to the plane's offset value


Lookup list for random generated IDs.


List of render targets that do not allow for offsetting


Assoc list of true string plane values to a list of all potential offset planess


List of z level (as number) -> The lowest plane offset in that z stack


List of z level (as number) -> plane offset of that z level Used to maintain the plane cube


Lookup for zlevel to station z. text = num.

Proc Details


Generates an obfuscated but constant id for an original id for cases where you don't want players codediving for an id. WARNING: MAKE SURE PLAYERS ARE NOT ABLE TO ACCESS THIS. To save performance, it's just secret + an incrementing number. Very guessable if you know what the secret is.


Prefer not to use this one too often


Attempt to get the turf above the provided one according to Z traits


Attempt to get the turf below the provided one according to Z traits


Initialize all biomes, assoc as type || instance


Check if levels[z] has all of the specified traits


Check if levels[z] has any of the specified traits


Look up levels[z].traits[trait]


Get a list of all z which have any of the specified traits


Get a list of all z which have the specified trait