Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



extra_inventoryEquipped item screens that don't show up even if using the initial toggle
extra_shownExtra inventory slots visible?
hungerUI element for hunger
plane_master_controllersAssoc list of controller groups, associated with key string group name with value of the plane master controller ref
screentip_textUI for screentips that appear when you mouse over things
thirstUI element for thirst
toggle_paletteWhether or not screentips are enabled. This is updated by the preference for cheaper reads than would be had with a proc call, especially on one of the hottest procs in the game (MouseEntered). The color to use for the screentips. This is updated by the preference for cheaper reads than would be had with a proc call, especially on one of the hottest procs in the game (MouseEntered).


build_action_groupsGenerates and fills new action groups with our mob's current actions
generate_landingsGenerates visual landings for all groups that the button is not a memeber of
get_action_buttons_iconsThis is a silly proc used in hud code code to determine what icon and icon state we should be using for hud elements (such as action buttons) that don't have their own icon and icon state set.
hide_actionRemoves the passed in action from its current position on the screen
hide_landingsClears all currently visible landings
view_audit_buttonsEnsures all of our buttons are properly within the bounds of our client's view, moves them if they're not

Var Details


Equipped item screens that don't show up even if using the initial toggle


Extra inventory slots visible?


UI element for hunger


Assoc list of controller groups, associated with key string group name with value of the plane master controller ref


UI for screentips that appear when you mouse over things


UI element for thirst


Whether or not screentips are enabled. This is updated by the preference for cheaper reads than would be had with a proc call, especially on one of the hottest procs in the game (MouseEntered). The color to use for the screentips. This is updated by the preference for cheaper reads than would be had with a proc call, especially on one of the hottest procs in the game (MouseEntered).

Proc Details


Generates and fills new action groups with our mob's current actions


Generates visual landings for all groups that the button is not a memeber of


This is a silly proc used in hud code code to determine what icon and icon state we should be using for hud elements (such as action buttons) that don't have their own icon and icon state set.

It returns a list, which is pretty much just a struct of info


Removes the passed in action from its current position on the screen


Clears all currently visible landings


Ensures all of our buttons are properly within the bounds of our client's view, moves them if they're not