Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



arousal_multiplierA separate arousal multiplier that the user has control of (although we could just tap into lust or replace it.)
auto_fit_viewportShould we automatically fit the viewport?
broadcast_login_logoutIf we want to broadcast deadchat connect/disconnect messages
characters_joined_asCharacters they have joined the round under - Lazylist of names
chat_on_mapRunechat preference. If true, certain messages will be displayed on the map, not ust on the chat area. Boolean.
deadminA separate variable for deadmin toggles, only deals with those.
dnr_triggereddid they DNR? used to prevent respawns.
favorite_interactionsMy favorites! they show up in their own tab inside the ui.
favorite_outfitsWhat outfit typepaths we've favorited in the SelectEquipment menu
fertilityCan john spaceman get gregnant if all conditions are right? (has a womb and is not on contraceptives)
gear_pointsloadout stuff
hardcore_survival_scoreThis var stores the amount of points the owner will get for making it out alive.
heartedSomeone thought we were nice! We get a little heart in OOC until we join the server past the below time (we can keep it until the end of the round otherwise)
hearted_untilIf we have a hearted commendations, we honor it every time the player loads preferences until this time has been passed
key_bindingsCustom Keybindings
last_idLast CID the person was seen on
last_ipLast IP the person was seen on
log_clicksDo we log their clicks to disk?
long_strip_menuStrip menu style
max_chat_lengthLimit preference on the size of the message. Requires chat_on_map to have effect.
medical_recordsMedical record note section
moaning_multiplierChance of moaning during an interaction
modless_key_bindingsList with a key string associated to a list of keybindings. Unlike key_bindings, this one operates on raw key, allowing for binding a key that triggers regardless of if a modifier is depressed as long as the raw key is sent.
mutedFlags for admin mutes
persistent_scarsIf we have persistent scars enabled
pixel_sizeWhat size should pixels be displayed as? 0 is strech to fit
playtime_reward_cloakThe playtime_reward_cloak variable can be set to TRUE from the prefs menu only once the user has gained over 5K playtime hours. If true, it allows the user to get a cool looking roundstart cloak.
pregnancy_breast_growthSelf explanitory
pregnancy_inflationDoes john spaceman look like a gluttonous slob if he pregent?
respawn_did_cryodid they cryo on their last ghost?
respawn_restrictions_activeAre we currently subject to respawn restrictions? Usually set by us using the "respawn" verb, but can be lifted by admins.
respawn_time_of_deathtime of death we consider for respawns
scaling_methodWhat scaling method should we use?
scars_indexWhich of the 5 persistent scar slots we randomly roll to load for this round, if enabled. Actually rolled in [/datum/preferences/proc/load_character(slot)]
scars_listWe have 5 slots for persistent scars, if enabled we pick a random one to load (empty by default) and scars at the end of the shift if we survived as our original person
security_recordsSecurity record note section
see_chat_non_mobWhether non-mob messages will be displayed, such as machine vendor announcements. Requires chat_on_map to have effect. Boolean.
see_rc_emotesWhether emotes will be displayed on runechat. Requires chat_on_map to have effect. Boolean.
slots_joined_asSlots they have joined the round under - Lazylist of numbers
use_arousal_multiplierEnable the 'arousal_multiplier' to be applied to lust amount
use_moaning_multiplierEnable the 'moaning_multiplier' to be used as a % chance of moaning instead of default calculation.
virilityDoes john spaceman's cum actually impregnate people?
widescreenprefShould we be in the widescreen mode set by the config?


find_gear_with_propertySearching for loadout item which property ([LOADOUT_ITEM], [LOADOUT_COLOR], etc) equals to value; returns this items, or FALSE if no gear matched conditions
force_reset_keybindingsResets the client's keybindings. Asks them for which
force_reset_keybindings_directDoes the actual reset

Var Details


A separate arousal multiplier that the user has control of (although we could just tap into lust or replace it.)


Should we automatically fit the viewport?


If we want to broadcast deadchat connect/disconnect messages


Characters they have joined the round under - Lazylist of names


Runechat preference. If true, certain messages will be displayed on the map, not ust on the chat area. Boolean.


A separate variable for deadmin toggles, only deals with those.


did they DNR? used to prevent respawns.


My favorites! they show up in their own tab inside the ui.


What outfit typepaths we've favorited in the SelectEquipment menu


Can john spaceman get gregnant if all conditions are right? (has a womb and is not on contraceptives)


loadout stuff


This var stores the amount of points the owner will get for making it out alive.


Someone thought we were nice! We get a little heart in OOC until we join the server past the below time (we can keep it until the end of the round otherwise)


If we have a hearted commendations, we honor it every time the player loads preferences until this time has been passed


Custom Keybindings


Last CID the person was seen on


Last IP the person was seen on


Do we log their clicks to disk?


Strip menu style


Limit preference on the size of the message. Requires chat_on_map to have effect.


Medical record note section


Chance of moaning during an interaction


List with a key string associated to a list of keybindings. Unlike key_bindings, this one operates on raw key, allowing for binding a key that triggers regardless of if a modifier is depressed as long as the raw key is sent.


Flags for admin mutes


If we have persistent scars enabled


What size should pixels be displayed as? 0 is strech to fit


The playtime_reward_cloak variable can be set to TRUE from the prefs menu only once the user has gained over 5K playtime hours. If true, it allows the user to get a cool looking roundstart cloak.


Self explanitory


Does john spaceman look like a gluttonous slob if he pregent?


did they cryo on their last ghost?


Are we currently subject to respawn restrictions? Usually set by us using the "respawn" verb, but can be lifted by admins.


time of death we consider for respawns


What scaling method should we use?


Which of the 5 persistent scar slots we randomly roll to load for this round, if enabled. Actually rolled in [/datum/preferences/proc/load_character(slot)]


We have 5 slots for persistent scars, if enabled we pick a random one to load (empty by default) and scars at the end of the shift if we survived as our original person


Security record note section


Whether non-mob messages will be displayed, such as machine vendor announcements. Requires chat_on_map to have effect. Boolean.


Whether emotes will be displayed on runechat. Requires chat_on_map to have effect. Boolean.


Slots they have joined the round under - Lazylist of numbers


Enable the 'arousal_multiplier' to be applied to lust amount


Enable the 'moaning_multiplier' to be used as a % chance of moaning instead of default calculation.


Does john spaceman's cum actually impregnate people?


Should we be in the widescreen mode set by the config?

Proc Details


Searching for loadout item which property ([LOADOUT_ITEM], [LOADOUT_COLOR], etc) equals to value; returns this items, or FALSE if no gear matched conditions


Resets the client's keybindings. Asks them for which


Does the actual reset