Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



activeForHow long the event has existed. You don't need to change this.
announce_chanceProbability of announcing, used in prob(), 0 to 100, default 100. Called in process, and for a second time in the ion storm event.
announce_whenWhen in the lifetime to call announce(). If you don't want it to announce use announce_chance, below. This is in seconds - so 1 = ~2 seconds in.
current_playersAmount of of alive, non-AFK human players on server at the time of event start
end_whenWhen in the lifetime the event should end. This is in seconds - so 1 = ~2 seconds in.
fakeableCan be faked by fake news event.
start_whenWhen in the lifetime to call start(). This is in seconds - so 1 = ~2 seconds in.


announce_to_ghostsCalled after something followable has been spawned by an event Provides ghosts a follow link to an atom if possible Only called once.

Var Details


How long the event has existed. You don't need to change this.


Probability of announcing, used in prob(), 0 to 100, default 100. Called in process, and for a second time in the ion storm event.


When in the lifetime to call announce(). If you don't want it to announce use announce_chance, below. This is in seconds - so 1 = ~2 seconds in.


Amount of of alive, non-AFK human players on server at the time of event start


When in the lifetime the event should end. This is in seconds - so 1 = ~2 seconds in.


Can be faked by fake news event.


When in the lifetime to call start(). This is in seconds - so 1 = ~2 seconds in.

Proc Details


Called after something followable has been spawned by an event Provides ghosts a follow link to an atom if possible Only called once.