Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



alert_controlStation alert datum for showing alerts UI
can_ride_typecacheWhat types of mobs are allowed to ride/buckle to this mob
disabled_modulesFor checking which modules are disabled or not.
identRandom serial number generated for each cyborg upon its initialization
lampButtonLamp button reference
lamp_colorSet lamp color
lamp_doomSet to true if a doomsday event is locking our lamp to on and RED
lamp_enabledIf the lamp is turned on
lamp_functionalIf the lamp isn't broken.
lamp_intensityLamp brightness. Starts at 3, but can be 1 - 5.
modelRepresents the cyborg's model (engineering, medical, etc.)
modularInterfaceThe reference to the built-in tablet that borgs carry.
openedIf this is a path, this gets created as an object in Initialize.
previous_healththe last health before updating - to check net change in health
vtec_disabledvtec shorted out


ExitedChecking Exited() to detect if a hat gets up and walks off. Drones and pAIs might do this, after all.
activatedChecks if the item is currently in a slot.
add_to_upgradesMoves the upgrade inside the robot and registers relevant signals.
apply_upgradeCalled when a mob uses an upgrade on an open borg. Checks to make sure the upgrade can be applied
break_all_cyborg_slotsBreaks all of a cyborg's slots.
break_cyborg_slotBreaks the slot number, changing the icon.
cycle_modulesCycles through the list of enabled modules, deselecting the current one and selecting the next one.
deploy_initdeploy_init: Deploys AI unit into AI shell
deselect_moduleDeselects the module in the slot module_num. Arguments
dump_into_mmiDumps the current occupant of the cyborg into an MMI at the passed location Returns the borg's MMI on success
equip_module_to_slotIs passed an item and a module slot. Equips the item to that borg slot.
get_active_held_itemReturns the thing in our active hand (whatever is in our active module-slot, in this case)
get_selected_moduleReturns the slot number of the selected module, or zero if no modules are selected.
is_invalid_module_numberChecks if the provided module number is a valid number.
logeventRecords an IC event log entry in the cyborg's internal tablet.
make_shellmake_shell: Makes an AI shell out of a cyborg unit
observer_screen_updateUpdates the observers's screens with cyborg itemss. Arguments
on_upgrade_deletedCalled when an applied upgrade is deleted.
remove_from_upgradesCalled when an upgrade is moved outside the robot. So don't call this directly, use forceMove etc.
repair_all_cyborg_slotsRepairs all slots. Unbroken slots are unaffected.
repair_cyborg_slotRepairs the slot number, updating the icon.
revert_shellrevert_shell: Reverts AI shell back into a normal cyborg unit
select_moduleSelects the module in the slot module_num. Arguments
smash_headlampHandles headlamp smashing
toggle_genderAllows "cyborg" players to change gender at will - Modularised here
toggle_headlampHandles headlamp toggling, disabling, and color setting.
toggle_moduleToggles selection of the module in the slot module_num. Arguments
uneq_activeUnequips the active held item, if there is one.
uneq_allUnequips all held items.
unequip_module_from_slotUnequips item item_module from slot module_num. Deletes it if delete_after = TRUE.
update_iconsthis is bad code

Var Details


Station alert datum for showing alerts UI


What types of mobs are allowed to ride/buckle to this mob


For checking which modules are disabled or not.


Random serial number generated for each cyborg upon its initialization


Lamp button reference


Set lamp color


Set to true if a doomsday event is locking our lamp to on and RED


If the lamp is turned on


If the lamp isn't broken.


Lamp brightness. Starts at 3, but can be 1 - 5.


Represents the cyborg's model (engineering, medical, etc.)


The reference to the built-in tablet that borgs carry.


If this is a path, this gets created as an object in Initialize.


the last health before updating - to check net change in health


vtec shorted out

Proc Details


Checking Exited() to detect if a hat gets up and walks off. Drones and pAIs might do this, after all.


Checks if the item is currently in a slot.

If the item is found in a slot, this returns TRUE. Otherwise, it returns FALSE Modified to accept items inside of grippers, used for code\modules\tgui\states\ Arguments


Moves the upgrade inside the robot and registers relevant signals.


Called when a mob uses an upgrade on an open borg. Checks to make sure the upgrade can be applied


Breaks all of a cyborg's slots.


Breaks the slot number, changing the icon.



Cycles through the list of enabled modules, deselecting the current one and selecting the next one.


deploy_init: Deploys AI unit into AI shell



Deselects the module in the slot module_num. Arguments


Dumps the current occupant of the cyborg into an MMI at the passed location Returns the borg's MMI on success


Is passed an item and a module slot. Equips the item to that borg slot.



Returns the thing in our active hand (whatever is in our active module-slot, in this case)



Returns the slot number of the selected module, or zero if no modules are selected.


Checks if the provided module number is a valid number.

If the number is between 1 and 3 (if check_all_slots is true) or between 1 and the number of disabled modules (if check_all_slots is false), then it returns FALSE. Otherwise, it returns TRUE. Arguments


Records an IC event log entry in the cyborg's internal tablet.

Creates an entry in the borglog list of the cyborg's internal tablet, listing the current in-game time followed by the message given. These logs can be seen by the cyborg in their BorgUI tablet app. By design, logging fails if the cyborg is dead.

Arguments: arg1: a string containing the message to log.


make_shell: Makes an AI shell out of a cyborg unit



Updates the observers's screens with cyborg itemss. Arguments


Called when an applied upgrade is deleted.


Called when an upgrade is moved outside the robot. So don't call this directly, use forceMove etc.


Repairs all slots. Unbroken slots are unaffected.


Repairs the slot number, updating the icon.



revert_shell: Reverts AI shell back into a normal cyborg unit


Selects the module in the slot module_num. Arguments


Handles headlamp smashing

When called (such as by the shadowperson lighteater's attack), this proc will break the borg's headlamp and then call toggle_headlamp to disable the light. It also plays a sound effect of glass breaking, and tells the borg what happened to its chat. Broken lights can be repaired by using a flashlight on the borg.


Allows "cyborg" players to change gender at will - Modularised here


Handles headlamp toggling, disabling, and color setting.

The initial if statment is a bit long, but the gist of it is that should the lamp be on AND the update_color arg be true, we should simply change the color of the lamp but not disable it. Otherwise, should the turn_off arg be true, the lamp already be enabled, any of the normal reasons the lamp would turn off happen, or the update_color arg be passed with the lamp not on, we should set the lamp off. The update_color arg is only ever true when this proc is called from the borg tablet, when the color selection feature is used.



Toggles selection of the module in the slot module_num. Arguments


Unequips the active held item, if there is one.

Will always consider dropping gripper contents first.


Unequips all held items.


Unequips item item_module from slot module_num. Deletes it if delete_after = TRUE.



this is bad code