Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Automatically links on init to power cables and other cable builder helpers. Only supports cardinals.


cable_colorcable color as from GLOB.cable_colors
knotWhether or not we forcefully make a knot


build_networkDirections should only ever have cardinals.
scan_directionsScans directions, sets network_directions to have every direction that we can link to. If there's another power cable builder detected, make sure they know we're here by adding us to their cable directions list before we're deleted.

Var Details


cable color as from GLOB.cable_colors


Whether or not we forcefully make a knot

Proc Details


Directions should only ever have cardinals.


Scans directions, sets network_directions to have every direction that we can link to. If there's another power cable builder detected, make sure they know we're here by adding us to their cable directions list before we're deleted.