Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



attack_speedAmount of time to check for from a mob's last attack, checked before an attack happens. Lower = faster attacks
attack_unwieldlynessAmount of time to hard-stagger (no clicking at all) the mob when attacking. Lower = better
attack_verb_continuousUsed in [atom/proc/attackby] to say how something was attacked "[x] has been [z.attack_verb] by [y] with [z]"
block_chanceThe 0% to 100% chance for the default implementation of random block rolls.
block_priorityBlock priority, higher means we check this higher in the "chain".
clickdelay_from_next_actionThis item checks clickdelay from a user's delayed next action variable rather than the last time they attacked.
clickdelay_ignores_next_actionThis item ignores next action delays.
clickdelay_mod_bypassThis item bypasses any click delay mods
drop_soundSound uses when dropping the item, or when its thrown.
dye_colorUsed as the dye color source in the washing machine only (at the moment). Can be a hex color or a key corresponding to a registry entry, see
dying_keyWhat dye registry should be looked at when dying this item; see
equip_soundSound used when equipping the item into a valid slot
force_stringstring form of an item's force. Edit this var only to set a custom force string
hitsoundSound played when you hit something with the item
item_flagsItem flags for the item
item_stateicon state name for inhand overlays
lefthand_fileIcon file for left hand inhand overlays
mob_overlay_iconIcon file for mob worn overlays. no var for state because it should always be the same as icon_state
mob_throw_hit_soundUsed when yate into a mob
pickup_soundSound uses when picking the item up (into your hands)
righthand_fileIcon file for right inhand overlays
sharpnessAll items with sharpness of SHARP_EDGED or higher will automatically get the butchering component.
stagger_forceHow long, in deciseconds, this staggers for, if null it will autocalculate from w_class and force. Unlike total mass this supports 0 and negatives.
stealthy_audioWhether or not we use stealthy audio levels for this item's attack sounds
throw_verbUsed if we want to have a custom verb text for throwing. "John Spaceman flicks the ciggerate" for example.
thrownbyA weakref to the mob who threw the item
total_massThe amount of stamina it takes to swing an item in a normal melee attack do not lie to me and say it's for realism because it ain't. If null it will autocalculate from w_class.
undyeableWhether the item is unaffected by standard dying.
used_skillsSkills vars
usesoundPlayed when the item is used, for example tools
w_classWeight class for how much storage capacity it uses and how big it physically is meaning storages can't hold it if their maximum weight class isn't as high as it.
w_volumeVolume override for the item, otherwise automatically calculated from w_class.


ApplyAttackCooldownCalled after a successful attack to set a mob's clickdelay.
CheckAttackCooldownChecks if a user's clickdelay is met for a standard attack, this is called before an attack happens.
GetEstimatedAttackSpeedGet estimated time that a user has to not attack for to use us
UseStaminaBufferStandardUses the amount of stamina required for a standard hit
active_block_calculate_final_damageCalculates FINAL ATTACK DAMAGE after mitigation
active_block_do_stamina_damageApply the stamina damage to our user, notice how damage argument is stamina_amount.
active_block_stamina_costAmount of stamina from damage blocked. Note that the damage argument is damage_blocked.
active_parry_reflex_counterCalled when an attack is parried and block_parra_data indicates to use a proc to handle counterattack.
add_item_contextCreates a "Type-A" contextual screentip interaction. When a user hovers over something with this item in hand, this proc will be called in order to provide context for contextual screentips. You must call register_item_context() in order for this to be registered. A screentip context list is a list that has context keys (SCREENTIP_CONTEXT_*, from __DEFINES/ that map to the action as text. If you mutate the list in this signal, you must return CONTEXTUAL_SCREENTIP_SET. source can, in all cases, be replaced with src, and only exists because this proc directly connects to a signal.
afterattackCalled after attacking something if the melee attack chain isn't interrupted before. Also called when clicking on something with an item without being in melee range
attackCalled when someone uses us to attack a mob in melee combat.
blockable_directionsGets the block direction bitflags of what we can block.
can_active_blockReturns if we can actively block.
can_active_parryDetermines if we can actively parry.
can_block_directionChecks if we can block from a specific direction from our direction.
can_block_directions_multiplecan_block_direction but for "compound" directions to check all of them and return the number of directions that were blocked.
check_blockReturns block information using list/block_return. Used for check_block() on mobs.
cyborg_unequipParent proc - triggers when an item/module is unequipped from a cyborg.
disableEmbeddingFor when you want to disable an item's embedding capabilities (like transforming weapons and such), this proc will detach any active embed elements from it.
droppedCalled when a mob drops an item.
equippedCalled after an item is placed in an equipment slot.
failedEmbedIn case we want to do something special (like self delete) upon failing to embed in something, return true
get_block_parry_dataGets this item's datum/block_parry_data
get_w_volumeGet an item's volume that it uses when being stored.
get_writing_implement_detailsReturns null if this object cannot be used to interact with physical writing mediums such as paper. Returns a list of key attributes for this object interacting with paper otherwise.
getweightHow much stamina this takes to swing this is not for realism purposes hecc off.
isEmbedHarmlessDoes the current embedding var meet the criteria for being harmless? Namely, does it explicitly define the pain multiplier and jostle pain mult to be 0? If so, return true.
melee_attack_chainThis is the proc that handles the order of an item_attack. The order of procs called is: tool_act on the target. If it returns TRUE, the chain will be stopped. pre_attack() on src. If this returns TRUE, the chain will be stopped. attackby on the target. If it returns TRUE, the chain will be stopped. and lastly afterattack. The return value does not matter.
melee_stagger_durationHow long this staggers for. 0 and negatives supported.
on_active_parryCalled when an attack is parried using this, whether or not the parry was successful.
on_offer_takenAn interrupt for someone trying to accept an offered item, called mainly from /mob/living/carbon/proc/take, in case you want to run your own take behavior instead.
on_offeredAn interrupt for offering an item to other people, called mainly from /mob/living/carbon/proc/give, in case you want to run your own offer behavior instead.
on_outfit_equipSpecial stuff you want to do when an outfit equips this item.
on_thrownCalled by the carbon throw_item() proc. Returns null if the item negates the throw, or a reference to the thing to suffer the throw else.
pick_painting_tool_colorCommon proc used by painting tools like spraycans and palettes that can access the entire 24 bits color space.
ranged_attack_chainLike melee_attack_chain but for ranged.
register_item_contextCreate a "Type-A" contextual screentip interaction, registering to add_item_context(). This will run add_item_context() when the item hovers over another object for context. add_item_context() will not be called unless this is run. This is not necessary for Type-A interactions, as you can just apply the flag and register to the signal yourself.
run_blockRuns block and returns flag for do_run_block to process.
set_slowdownSets our slowdown and updates equipment slowdown of any mob we're equipped on.
tryEmbedtryEmbed() is for when you want to try embedding something without dealing with the damage + hit messages of calling hitby() on the item while targetting the target.
updateEmbeddingFor when you want to add/update the embedding on an item. Uses the vars in [/obj/item/embedding], and defaults to config values for values that aren't set. Will automatically detach previous embed elements on this item.
update_action_buttonsUpdates all action buttons associated with this item

Var Details


Amount of time to check for from a mob's last attack, checked before an attack happens. Lower = faster attacks


Amount of time to hard-stagger (no clicking at all) the mob when attacking. Lower = better


Used in [atom/proc/attackby] to say how something was attacked "[x] has been [z.attack_verb] by [y] with [z]"


The 0% to 100% chance for the default implementation of random block rolls.


Block priority, higher means we check this higher in the "chain".


This item checks clickdelay from a user's delayed next action variable rather than the last time they attacked.


This item ignores next action delays.


This item bypasses any click delay mods


Sound uses when dropping the item, or when its thrown.


Used as the dye color source in the washing machine only (at the moment). Can be a hex color or a key corresponding to a registry entry, see


What dye registry should be looked at when dying this item; see


Sound used when equipping the item into a valid slot


string form of an item's force. Edit this var only to set a custom force string


Sound played when you hit something with the item


Item flags for the item


icon state name for inhand overlays


Icon file for left hand inhand overlays


Icon file for mob worn overlays. no var for state because it should always be the same as icon_state


Used when yate into a mob


Sound uses when picking the item up (into your hands)


Icon file for right inhand overlays


All items with sharpness of SHARP_EDGED or higher will automatically get the butchering component.


How long, in deciseconds, this staggers for, if null it will autocalculate from w_class and force. Unlike total mass this supports 0 and negatives.


Whether or not we use stealthy audio levels for this item's attack sounds


Used if we want to have a custom verb text for throwing. "John Spaceman flicks the ciggerate" for example.


A weakref to the mob who threw the item


The amount of stamina it takes to swing an item in a normal melee attack do not lie to me and say it's for realism because it ain't. If null it will autocalculate from w_class.


Whether the item is unaffected by standard dying.


Skills vars


Played when the item is used, for example tools


Weight class for how much storage capacity it uses and how big it physically is meaning storages can't hold it if their maximum weight class isn't as high as it.


Volume override for the item, otherwise automatically calculated from w_class.

Proc Details


Called after a successful attack to set a mob's clickdelay.


Checks if a user's clickdelay is met for a standard attack, this is called before an attack happens.


Get estimated time that a user has to not attack for to use us


Uses the amount of stamina required for a standard hit


Calculates FINAL ATTACK DAMAGE after mitigation


Apply the stamina damage to our user, notice how damage argument is stamina_amount.


Amount of stamina from damage blocked. Note that the damage argument is damage_blocked.


Called when an attack is parried and block_parra_data indicates to use a proc to handle counterattack.


Creates a "Type-A" contextual screentip interaction. When a user hovers over something with this item in hand, this proc will be called in order to provide context for contextual screentips. You must call register_item_context() in order for this to be registered. A screentip context list is a list that has context keys (SCREENTIP_CONTEXT_*, from __DEFINES/ that map to the action as text. If you mutate the list in this signal, you must return CONTEXTUAL_SCREENTIP_SET. source can, in all cases, be replaced with src, and only exists because this proc directly connects to a signal.


Called after attacking something if the melee attack chain isn't interrupted before. Also called when clicking on something with an item without being in melee range

WARNING: This does not automatically check clickdelay if not in a melee attack! Be sure to account for this!



Called when someone uses us to attack a mob in melee combat.

This proc respects CheckAttackCooldown() default clickdelay handling.



Gets the block direction bitflags of what we can block.


Returns if we can actively block.


Determines if we can actively parry.


Checks if we can block from a specific direction from our direction.



can_block_direction but for "compound" directions to check all of them and return the number of directions that were blocked.



Returns block information using list/block_return. Used for check_block() on mobs.


Parent proc - triggers when an item/module is unequipped from a cyborg.


For when you want to disable an item's embedding capabilities (like transforming weapons and such), this proc will detach any active embed elements from it.


Called when a mob drops an item.


Called after an item is placed in an equipment slot.

Note that hands count as slots.



In case we want to do something special (like self delete) upon failing to embed in something, return true


Gets this item's datum/block_parry_data


Get an item's volume that it uses when being stored.


Returns null if this object cannot be used to interact with physical writing mediums such as paper. Returns a list of key attributes for this object interacting with paper otherwise.


How much stamina this takes to swing this is not for realism purposes hecc off.


Does the current embedding var meet the criteria for being harmless? Namely, does it explicitly define the pain multiplier and jostle pain mult to be 0? If so, return true.


This is the proc that handles the order of an item_attack. The order of procs called is: tool_act on the target. If it returns TRUE, the chain will be stopped. pre_attack() on src. If this returns TRUE, the chain will be stopped. attackby on the target. If it returns TRUE, the chain will be stopped. and lastly afterattack. The return value does not matter.


How long this staggers for. 0 and negatives supported.


Called when an attack is parried using this, whether or not the parry was successful.


An interrupt for someone trying to accept an offered item, called mainly from /mob/living/carbon/proc/take, in case you want to run your own take behavior instead.

Return TRUE if you want to interrupt the taking.

Arguments: offerer - the person offering the item taker - the person trying to accept the offer


An interrupt for offering an item to other people, called mainly from /mob/living/carbon/proc/give, in case you want to run your own offer behavior instead.

Return TRUE if you want to interrupt the offer.

Arguments: offerer - the person offering the item


Special stuff you want to do when an outfit equips this item.


Called by the carbon throw_item() proc. Returns null if the item negates the throw, or a reference to the thing to suffer the throw else.


Common proc used by painting tools like spraycans and palettes that can access the entire 24 bits color space.


Like melee_attack_chain but for ranged.


Create a "Type-A" contextual screentip interaction, registering to add_item_context(). This will run add_item_context() when the item hovers over another object for context. add_item_context() will not be called unless this is run. This is not necessary for Type-A interactions, as you can just apply the flag and register to the signal yourself.


Runs block and returns flag for do_run_block to process.


Sets our slowdown and updates equipment slowdown of any mob we're equipped on.


tryEmbed() is for when you want to try embedding something without dealing with the damage + hit messages of calling hitby() on the item while targetting the target.

Really, this is used mostly with projectiles with shrapnel payloads, from /datum/element/embed/proc/checkEmbedProjectile, and called on said shrapnel. Mostly acts as an intermediate between different embed elements.



For when you want to add/update the embedding on an item. Uses the vars in [/obj/item/embedding], and defaults to config values for values that aren't set. Will automatically detach previous embed elements on this item.


Updates all action buttons associated with this item
