Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Paper also scraps of paper

lipstick wiping is in code/game/objects/items/weapons/!

Paper is now using markdown (like in github pull notes) for ALL rendering so we do loose a bit of functionality but we gain in easy of use of paper and getting rid of that crashing bug


camera_holderPaper can be shown via cameras. When that is done, a deep copy of the paper is made and stored as a var on the camera. The paper is located in nullspace, and holds a weak ref to the camera that once contained it so the paper can do some state checking on if it should be shown to a viewer.
contact_poisonReagent to transfer to the user when they pick the paper up without proper protection.
contact_poison_volumeVolume of contact_poison to transfer to the user when they pick the paper up without proper protection.
default_raw_textDefault raw text to fill this paper with on init.
input_field_countThe number of input fields
raw_field_input_dataLazylist of all fields that have had some input added to them.
raw_stamp_dataLazylist of all raw stamp data to be sent to tgui.
raw_text_inputsLazylist of raw, unsanitised, unparsed text inputs that have been made to the paper.
request_stateIf TRUE, staff can read paper everywhere, but usually from requests panel.
show_written_wordsWhether the icon should show little scribbly written words when the paper has some text on it.
stamp_cacheHelper cache that contains a list of all icon_states that are currently stamped on the paper.


add_field_inputThis simple helper adds the supplied input field data to the paper.
add_raw_textThis simple helper adds the supplied raw text to the paper, appending to the end of any existing contents.
add_stampThis simple helper adds the supplied stamp to the paper, appending to the end of any existing stamps.
clear_paperRemoves all input and all stamps from the paper, clearing it completely.
copyThis proc copies this sheet of paper to a new sheet. Used by carbon papers and the photocopier machine.
copy_field_textReturns a deep copy list of raw_field_input_data, or null if the list is empty or doesn't exist.
copy_raw_stampsReturns a deep copy list of raw_stamp_data, or null if the list is empty or doesn't exist. Does not copy overlays or stamp_cache, only the tgui rendered stamps.
copy_raw_textReturns a deep copy list of raw_text_inputs, or null if the list is empty or doesn't exist.
get_raw_textGet a single string representing the text on a page
is_emptyDetermines whether this paper has been written or stamped to.
make_planePaper plane folding
show_through_cameraAttempts to ui_interact the paper to the given user, with some sanity checking to make sure the camera still exists via the weakref and that this paper is still attached to it.

Var Details


Paper can be shown via cameras. When that is done, a deep copy of the paper is made and stored as a var on the camera. The paper is located in nullspace, and holds a weak ref to the camera that once contained it so the paper can do some state checking on if it should be shown to a viewer.


Reagent to transfer to the user when they pick the paper up without proper protection.


Volume of contact_poison to transfer to the user when they pick the paper up without proper protection.


Default raw text to fill this paper with on init.


The number of input fields


Lazylist of all fields that have had some input added to them.


Lazylist of all raw stamp data to be sent to tgui.


Lazylist of raw, unsanitised, unparsed text inputs that have been made to the paper.


If TRUE, staff can read paper everywhere, but usually from requests panel.


Whether the icon should show little scribbly written words when the paper has some text on it.


Helper cache that contains a list of all icon_states that are currently stamped on the paper.

Proc Details


This simple helper adds the supplied input field data to the paper.

It will not overwrite any existing input field data by default and will early return FALSE if this scenario happens unless overwrite is set properly.

Other than that, this is a God proc that does not care about max length or out-of-range IDs and expects sanity checking beforehand if you want to respect it.


This simple helper adds the supplied raw text to the paper, appending to the end of any existing contents.

This a God proc that does not care about paper max length and expects sanity checking beforehand if you want to respect it.

The caller is expected to handle updating icons and appearance after adding text, to allow for more efficient batch adding loops.


This simple helper adds the supplied stamp to the paper, appending to the end of any existing stamps.

This a God proc that does not care about stamp max count and expects sanity checking beforehand if you want to respect it.

It does however respect the overlay limit and will not apply any overlays past the cap.

The caller is expected to handle updating icons and appearance after adding text, to allow for more efficient batch adding loops.


Removes all input and all stamps from the paper, clearing it completely.


This proc copies this sheet of paper to a new sheet. Used by carbon papers and the photocopier machine.



Returns a deep copy list of raw_field_input_data, or null if the list is empty or doesn't exist.


Returns a deep copy list of raw_stamp_data, or null if the list is empty or doesn't exist. Does not copy overlays or stamp_cache, only the tgui rendered stamps.


Returns a deep copy list of raw_text_inputs, or null if the list is empty or doesn't exist.


Get a single string representing the text on a page


Determines whether this paper has been written or stamped to.


Paper plane folding



Attempts to ui_interact the paper to the given user, with some sanity checking to make sure the camera still exists via the weakref and that this paper is still attached to it.