flower_bud ![code/modules/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/venus_human_trap.dm 13](git.png)
Kudzu Flower Bud
A flower created by flowering kudzu which spawns a venus human trap after a certain amount of time has passed.
A flower created by kudzu with the flowering mutation. Spawns a venus human trap after 2 minutes under normal circumstances. Also spawns 4 vines going out in diagonal directions from the bud. Any living creature not aligned with plants is damaged by these vines. Once it grows a venus human trap, the bud itself will destroy itself.
Vars | |
countdown | The countdown ghosts see to when the plant will hatch |
finish_time | Used by countdown to check time, this is when the timer will complete and the venus trap will spawn. |
growth_time | The amount of time it takes to create a venus human trap. |
Procs | |
bear_fruit | Spawns a venus human trap, then qdels itself. |
Var Details
countdown ![code/modules/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/venus_human_trap.dm 31](git.png)
The countdown ghosts see to when the plant will hatch
finish_time ![code/modules/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/venus_human_trap.dm 27](git.png)
Used by countdown to check time, this is when the timer will complete and the venus trap will spawn.
growth_time ![code/modules/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/venus_human_trap.dm 23](git.png)
The amount of time it takes to create a venus human trap.
Proc Details
Spawns a venus human trap, then qdels itself.
Displays a message, spawns a human venus trap, then qdels itself.