Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



explosion_power_minimum_chance_dismantleExplosion power to potentially dismantle the wall
explosion_power_to_dismantleExplosion power to dismantle the wall
explosion_power_to_scrapeExplosion power to disintegrate the wall


hulk_recoilDeals damage back to the hulk's arm.

Var Details


Explosion power to potentially dismantle the wall


Explosion power to dismantle the wall


Explosion power to disintegrate the wall

Proc Details


Deals damage back to the hulk's arm.

When a hulk manages to break a wall using their hulk smash, this deals back damage to the arm used. This is in its own proc just to be easily overridden by other wall types. Default allows for three smashed walls per arm. Also, we use CANT_WOUND here because wounds are random. Wounds are applied by hulk code based on arm damage and checked when we call break_an_arm(). Arguments: *arg1 is the arm to deal damage to. *arg2 is the hulk