turf ![code/game/turfs/turf.dm 4](git.png)
Any floor or wall. What makes up the station and the rest of the map.
Vars | |
holodeck_compatible | the holodeck can load onto this turf if TRUE |
overfloor_placed | If there's a tile over a basic floor that can be ripped out |
Procs | |
GetAtmosAdjacentTurfs | Returns a list of adjacent turfs that can share air with this one. alldir includes adjacent diagonal tiles that can share air with both of the related adjacent cardinal tiles |
IgniteTurf | Called when attempting to set fire to a turf |
Initialize | Turf Initialize |
LinkBlockedWithAccess | For seeing if we can actually move between 2 given turfs while accounting for our access and the caller's pass_flags |
consider_pressure_difference | SPACEWIND |
fromShuttleMove | Base procs |
is_blocked_turf | Check whether the specified turf is blocked by something dense inside it with respect to a specific atom. |
is_blocked_turf_ignore_climbable | Checks whether the specified turf is blocked by something dense inside it, but ignores anything with the climbable trait |
process_cell | SIMULATION |
reachableAdjacentAtmosTurfs | Returns adjacent turfs in cardinal directions that are reachable via atmos |
reachableAdjacentTurfs | Returns adjacent turfs to this turf that are reachable, in all cardinal directions |
Var Details
holodeck_compatible ![code/game/turfs/turf.dm 40](git.png)
the holodeck can load onto this turf if TRUE
overfloor_placed ![code/game/turfs/turf.dm 43](git.png)
If there's a tile over a basic floor that can be ripped out
Proc Details
Returns a list of adjacent turfs that can share air with this one. alldir includes adjacent diagonal tiles that can share air with both of the related adjacent cardinal tiles
Called when attempting to set fire to a turf
Turf Initialize
Doesn't call parent, see /atom/proc/Initialize
For seeing if we can actually move between 2 given turfs while accounting for our access and the caller's pass_flags
- caller: The movable, if one exists, being used for mobility checks to see what tiles it can reach
- ID: An ID card that decides if we can gain access to doors that would otherwise block a turf
- simulated_only: Do we only worry about turfs with simulated atmos, most notably things that aren't space?
Base procs
Check whether the specified turf is blocked by something dense inside it with respect to a specific atom.
Returns truthy value TURF_BLOCKED_TURF_DENSE if the turf is blocked because the turf itself is dense. Returns truthy value TURF_BLOCKED_CONTENT_DENSE if one of the turf's contents is dense and would block a source atom's movement. Returns falsey value TURF_NOT_BLOCKED if the turf is not blocked.
- exclude_mobs - If TRUE, ignores dense mobs on the turf.
- source_atom - If this is not null, will check whether any contents on the turf can block this atom specifically. Also ignores itself on the turf.
- ignore_atoms - Check will ignore any atoms in this list. Useful to prevent an atom from blocking itself on the turf.
Checks whether the specified turf is blocked by something dense inside it, but ignores anything with the climbable trait
Works similar to is_blocked_turf(), but ignores climbables and has less options. Primarily added for jaunting checks
Returns adjacent turfs in cardinal directions that are reachable via atmos
Returns adjacent turfs to this turf that are reachable, in all cardinal directions
- caller: The movable, if one exists, being used for mobility checks to see what tiles it can reach
- ID: An ID card that decides if we can gain access to doors that would otherwise block a turf
- simulated_only: Do we only worry about turfs with simulated atmos, most notably things that aren't space?