Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


CLICKDELAY HANDLING SYSTEM How this works is mobs can never do actions until their next_action is at or below world.time, but things can specify extra cooldown to check for either from the time of last_action or from the end of next_action.

Clickdelay should always be checked via [CheckActionCooldown()], never manually!


LAssailantThe last mob/living/carbon to push/drag/grab this mob (mostly used by slimes friend recognition)
ability_actionsability = action button instance.
ability_propertiesability = list(data). see __DEFINES/mobs/
action_cooldown_adjustSimple modification variable added to amount on adjust and on checking time since last action using [CheckActionCooldown()]. This should only be manually modified via addition.
action_cooldown_modSimple modification variable multiplied to next action modifier on adjust and on checking time since last action using [CheckActionCooldown()]. This should only be manually modified using multipliers.
actionspeed_mod_immunitiesList of action speed modifiers ignored by this mob. List -> List (id) -> List (sources)
actionspeed_modificationList of action speed modifiers applying to this mob
cached_multiplicative_actions_slowdownThe calculated mob action speed slowdown based on the modifiers list
cached_multiplicative_slowdownThe calculated mob speed slowdown based on the modifiers list
deathsoundThe sound made on death
do_aftersFor storing what do_after's someone has, in case we want to restrict them to only one of a certain do_after at a time
examine_cursor_iconCursor icon used when holding shift over things
focusWhat receives our keyboard input. src by default.
fullscreensFullscreen objects
innate_abilitiesAbility system based on action buttons. Can be ported to base /mob or /mob/living later if needed, easily - the procs are currently on living/carbon/human/ datum traits-style lazylist of abilities
is_shiftedWhether the mob is pixel shifted or not
last_actionGeneric clickdelay variable. Marks down the last world.time we did something that should cause or impact generic clickdelay. This should be directly set or set using [DelayNextAction()]. This should only be checked using [CheckActionCooldown()].
last_action_immediateThe difference between the above and this is this is set immediately before even the pre-attack begins to ensure clickdelay is respected. Then, it is flushed or discarded using [FlushLastAttack()] or [DiscardLastAttack()] respectively.
mob_transformingWhether or not the mob is currently being transformed into another mob or into another state of being. This will prevent it from moving or doing realistically anything. Don't you DARE use this for a cheap way to ensure someone is stunned in your code.
mock_clientA mock client, provided by tests and friends
movespeed_mod_immunitiesList of movement speed modifiers ignored by this mob. List -> List (id) -> List (sources)
movespeed_modificationList of movement speed modifiers applying to this mob
next_actionGeneric clickdelay variable. Next world.time we should be able to do something that respects generic clickdelay. This should be set using [DelayNextAction()] This should only be checked using [CheckActionCooldown()].
next_resistMinimum world time for another resist. This should only be checked using [CheckResistCooldown()].
passthroughableTakes the four cardinal direction defines. Any atoms moving into this atom's tile will be allowed to from the added directions.
resist_cooldownHow long we should wait before allowing another resist. This should only be manually modified using multipliers.
shiftingIf we are in the shifting setting.
sound_environment_overrideOverride for sound_environments. If this is set the user will always hear a specific type of reverb (Instead of the area defined reverb)
typing_indicator_currentCurrent state of our typing indicator. Used for cut overlay, DO NOT RUNTIME ASSIGN OTHER THAN FROM SHOW/CLEAR. Used to absolutely ensure we do not get stuck overlays.
typing_indicator_enabled////TYPING INDICATORS/////// Set to true if we want to show typing indicators.
typing_indicator_stateDefault icon_state of our typing indicator. Currently only supports paths (because anything else is, as of time of typing this, unnecesary.
typing_indicator_timeridThe timer that will remove our indicator for early aborts (like when an user finishes their message)
unarmed_attack_speedDefault clickdelay for an UnarmedAttack() that successfully passes. Respects action_cooldown_mod.


CheckActionCooldownChecks if we can do another action. Returns TRUE if we can and FALSE if we cannot.
CheckResistCooldownChecks if we can resist again.
CommonClickOnCommon mob click code
DelayNextActionApplies a delay to next_action before we can do our next action.
DiscardCurrentActionDiscards last_action and next_action
DizzySet the dizzyness of a mob to a passed in amount
EstimatedNextActionTimeGet estimated time of next attack.
FlushCurrentActionFlushes last_action and next_action
GetActionCooldownAdjustGets action_cooldown_adjust
GetActionCooldownModGets action_cooldown_mod.
JitterSet the jitter of a mob
MarkResistTimeMark the last resist as now.
SetNextActionSets our next action to. The difference is DelayNextAction cannot reduce next_action under any circumstances while this can.
add_actionspeed_modifierAdd a action speed modifier to a mob. If a variable subtype is passed in as the first argument, it will make a new datum. If ID conflicts, it will overwrite the old ID.
add_memory_wrapperAdd a note to the mind datum
add_movespeed_modifierAdd a move speed modifier to a mob. If a variable subtype is passed in as the first argument, it will make a new datum. If ID conflicts, it will overwrite the old ID.
add_to_alive_mob_listAdds the mob reference to the list of all mobs alive. If mob is cliented, it adds it to the list of all living player-mobs.
add_to_current_dead_playersAdds the cliented mob reference to either the list of dead player-mobs or to the list of observers, depending on how they joined the game.
add_to_current_living_antagsAdds the cliented mob reference to the list of living antag player-mobs.
add_to_current_living_playersAdds the cliented mob reference to the list of living player-mobs. If the mob is an antag, it adds it to the list of living antag player-mobs.
add_to_dead_mob_listAdds the mob reference to the list of all the dead mobs. If mob is cliented, it adds it to the list of all dead player-mobs.
add_to_mob_listAdds the mob reference to the list and directory of all mobs. Called on Initialize().
add_to_player_listAdds the cliented mob reference to the list of all player-mobs, besides to either the of dead or alive player-mob lists, as appropriate. Called on Login().
adjust_blindnessAdjust a mobs blindness by an amount
adjust_blurrinessAdjust the current blurriness of the mobs vision by amount
adjust_bodytemperatureAdjust the body temperature of a mob, with min/max settings
adjust_disgustAdjust the disgust level of a mob
adjust_drugginessAdjust the drugginess of a mob
adjust_nutritionAdjust the nutrition of a mob
adjust_thirstAdjust the thirst of a mob
attempt_resist_grabProc to resist a grab. moving_resist is TRUE if this began by someone attempting to move. Return FALSE if still grabbed/failed to break out. Use this instead of resist_grab() directly.
audible_messageShow a message to all mobs in earshot of this one
blind_eyesSets a mob's blindness to an amount if it was not above it already, similar to how status effects work
blur_eyesMake the mobs vision blurry
can_writeProc that returns TRUE if the mob can write using the writing_instrument, FALSE otherwise.
check_obscured_slotsChecks for slots that are currently obscured by other garments.
clear_fullscreenWipes a fullscreen of a certain category
clear_typing_indicatorRemoves typing indicator.
create_chat_messageCreates a message overlay at a defined location for a given speaker
display_typing_indicatorDisplays typing indicator. @param timeout_override - Sets how long until this will disappear on its own without the user finishing their message or logging out. Defaults to src.typing_indicator_timeout @param state_override - Sets the state that we will fetch. Defaults to src.get_typing_indicator_icon_state() @param force - shows even if src.typing_indcator_enabled is FALSE.
dispose_renderingdestroys screen rendering. call on mob del
dropItemToGroundUsed to drop an item (if it exists) to the ground.
equipped_speed_modsGets the combined speed modification of all worn items Except base mob type doesnt really wear items
examinateExamine a mob
generate_typing_indicatorGenerates the mutable appearance for typing indicator. Should prevent stuck overlays.
get_ability_propertyGets an ability property
get_actionspeed_modifiersGet the action speed modifiers list of the mob
get_active_handGet the bodypart for whatever hand we have active, Only relevant for carbons
get_config_multiplicative_speedGet the global config movespeed of a mob by type
get_indicator_overlayFetches the typing indicator we'll use from GLOB.typing_indicator_overlays
get_movespeed_modifier_datumGets the movespeed modifier datum of a modifier on a mob. Returns null if not found. DANGER: IT IS UP TO THE PERSON USING THIS TO MAKE SURE THE MODIFIER IS NOT MODIFIED IF IT HAPPENS TO BE GLOBAL/CACHED.
get_movespeed_modifiersGet the move speed modifiers list of the mob
get_num_held_itemsFind number of held items, multihand compatible
get_proc_holdersGets all relevant proc holders for the browser statpenl
get_realname_stringReturns a mob's real name between brackets. Useful when you want to display a mob's name alongside their real name
get_spells_for_statpanelConvert a list of spells into a displyable list for the statpanel
get_status_tab_itemsAdds this list to the output to the stat browser
get_top_level_mobSUBTLE COMMAND
get_typing_indicator_icon_stateGets the state we will use for typing indicators. Defaults to src.typing_indicator_state
grant_ability_from_sourceGrants an ability from a source
handle_eye_contacthandle_eye_contact() is called when we examine() something. If we examine an alive mob with a mind who has examined us in the last second within 5 tiles, we make eye contact!
has_actionspeed_modifierIs there a actionspeed modifier for this mob
has_movespeed_modifierIs there a movespeed modifier for this mob
has_nightvisionCan this mob see in the dark
hide_fullscreensRemoves fullscreens from client but not the mob
init_renderinginitializes screen rendering. call on mob new
initialize_actionspeedAdds a default action speed
interact_withAttempts to open the tgui menu
is_nearsightedIs this mob affected by nearsight
memoryGet the notes of this mob
onShuttleMoveMob move procs
overlay_fullscreenAdds a fullscreen overlay
pointedPoint at an atom
query_heartAsk someone if they'd like to award a commendation for the round, 3 tries to get the name they want before we give up
reload_fullscreenEnsures all fullscreens are on client.
reload_renderingloads screen rendering. call on mob login
remove_ability_from_sourceRemoves an ability from a source
remove_actionspeed_modifierRemove a action speed modifier from a mob, whether static or variable.
remove_from_alive_mob_listRemoves the mob reference from the list of all mobs alive. If mob is cliented, it removes it from the list of all living player-mobs.
remove_from_current_dead_playersRemoves the mob reference from either the list of dead player-mobs or from the list of observers, depending on how they joined the game.
remove_from_current_living_antagsRemoves the mob reference from the list of living antag player-mobs.
remove_from_current_living_playersRemoves the mob reference from the list of living player-mobs. If the mob is an antag, it removes it from the list of living antag player-mobs.
remove_from_dead_mob_listRemvoes the mob reference from list of all the dead mobs. If mob is cliented, it adds it to the list of all dead player-mobs.
remove_from_mob_listRemoves the mob reference from the list and directory of all mobs. Called on Destroy().
remove_from_player_listRemoves the mob reference from the list of all player-mobs, besides from either the of dead or alive player-mob lists, as appropriate. Called on Logout().
remove_movespeed_modifierRemove a move speed modifier from a mob, whether static or variable.
setGrabStateUpdates the grab state of the mob and updates movespeed
set_ability_propertySets an ability property
set_blindnessForce set the blindness of a mob to some level
set_blurrinessSet the mobs blurriness of vision to an amount
set_disgustSet the disgust level of a mob
set_dizzinessFOrce set the dizzyness of a mob
set_drugginessSet the drugginess of a mob
set_nutritionForce set the mob nutrition
set_speciesDNA MOB-PROCS
set_statUsed to wrap stat setting to trigger on-stat-change functionality. Must be used instead of directly setting a mob's stat var, so that the signal is sent properly.
shuttleRotateMob rotate procs
total_multiplicative_slowdownCalculate the total slowdown of all movespeed modifiers
update_action_buttonsThis proc handles adding all of the mob's actions to their screen
update_actionspeedGo through the list of actionspeed modifiers and calculate a final actionspeed. ANY ADD/REMOVE DONE IN UPDATE_actionspeed MUST HAVE THE UPDATE ARGUMENT SET AS FALSE!
update_blindnessproc that adds and removes blindness overlays when necessary
update_config_movespeedSet or update the global movespeed config on a mob
update_movespeedGo through the list of movespeed modifiers and calculate a final movespeed. ANY ADD/REMOVE DONE IN UPDATE_MOVESPEED MUST HAVE THE UPDATE ARGUMENT SET AS FALSE!
visible_messageAdds the functionality to self_message.
vv_edit_varHandles the special case of editing the movement var
wipe_fullscreensWipes all fullscreens

Var Details


The last mob/living/carbon to push/drag/grab this mob (mostly used by slimes friend recognition)


ability = action button instance.


ability = list(data). see __DEFINES/mobs/


Simple modification variable added to amount on adjust and on checking time since last action using [CheckActionCooldown()]. This should only be manually modified via addition.


Simple modification variable multiplied to next action modifier on adjust and on checking time since last action using [CheckActionCooldown()]. This should only be manually modified using multipliers.


List of action speed modifiers ignored by this mob. List -> List (id) -> List (sources)


List of action speed modifiers applying to this mob


The calculated mob action speed slowdown based on the modifiers list


The calculated mob speed slowdown based on the modifiers list


The sound made on death

leave null for no sound. used for *deathgasp


For storing what do_after's someone has, in case we want to restrict them to only one of a certain do_after at a time


Cursor icon used when holding shift over things


What receives our keyboard input. src by default.


Fullscreen objects


Ability system based on action buttons. Can be ported to base /mob or /mob/living later if needed, easily - the procs are currently on living/carbon/human/ datum traits-style lazylist of abilities


Whether the mob is pixel shifted or not


Generic clickdelay variable. Marks down the last world.time we did something that should cause or impact generic clickdelay. This should be directly set or set using [DelayNextAction()]. This should only be checked using [CheckActionCooldown()].


The difference between the above and this is this is set immediately before even the pre-attack begins to ensure clickdelay is respected. Then, it is flushed or discarded using [FlushLastAttack()] or [DiscardLastAttack()] respectively.


Whether or not the mob is currently being transformed into another mob or into another state of being. This will prevent it from moving or doing realistically anything. Don't you DARE use this for a cheap way to ensure someone is stunned in your code.


A mock client, provided by tests and friends


List of movement speed modifiers ignored by this mob. List -> List (id) -> List (sources)


List of movement speed modifiers applying to this mob


Generic clickdelay variable. Next world.time we should be able to do something that respects generic clickdelay. This should be set using [DelayNextAction()] This should only be checked using [CheckActionCooldown()].




Minimum world time for another resist. This should only be checked using [CheckResistCooldown()].


Takes the four cardinal direction defines. Any atoms moving into this atom's tile will be allowed to from the added directions.


How long we should wait before allowing another resist. This should only be manually modified using multipliers.


If we are in the shifting setting.


Override for sound_environments. If this is set the user will always hear a specific type of reverb (Instead of the area defined reverb)



Tracks open UIs for a user.


Current state of our typing indicator. Used for cut overlay, DO NOT RUNTIME ASSIGN OTHER THAN FROM SHOW/CLEAR. Used to absolutely ensure we do not get stuck overlays.


////TYPING INDICATORS/////// Set to true if we want to show typing indicators.


Default icon_state of our typing indicator. Currently only supports paths (because anything else is, as of time of typing this, unnecesary.


The timer that will remove our indicator for early aborts (like when an user finishes their message)


Default clickdelay for an UnarmedAttack() that successfully passes. Respects action_cooldown_mod.

Proc Details


Checks if we can do another action. Returns TRUE if we can and FALSE if we cannot.



Checks if we can resist again.


Common mob click code


Applies a delay to next_action before we can do our next action.



Discards last_action and next_action


Set the dizzyness of a mob to a passed in amount

Except if dizziness is already higher in which case it does nothing


Get estimated time of next attack.


Flushes last_action and next_action


Gets action_cooldown_adjust


Gets action_cooldown_mod.


Set the jitter of a mob


Mark the last resist as now.



Sets our next action to. The difference is DelayNextAction cannot reduce next_action under any circumstances while this can.


Add a action speed modifier to a mob. If a variable subtype is passed in as the first argument, it will make a new datum. If ID conflicts, it will overwrite the old ID.


Add a note to the mind datum


Add a move speed modifier to a mob. If a variable subtype is passed in as the first argument, it will make a new datum. If ID conflicts, it will overwrite the old ID.


Adds the mob reference to the list of all mobs alive. If mob is cliented, it adds it to the list of all living player-mobs.


Adds the cliented mob reference to either the list of dead player-mobs or to the list of observers, depending on how they joined the game.


Adds the cliented mob reference to the list of living antag player-mobs.


Adds the cliented mob reference to the list of living player-mobs. If the mob is an antag, it adds it to the list of living antag player-mobs.


Adds the mob reference to the list of all the dead mobs. If mob is cliented, it adds it to the list of all dead player-mobs.


Adds the mob reference to the list and directory of all mobs. Called on Initialize().


Adds the cliented mob reference to the list of all player-mobs, besides to either the of dead or alive player-mob lists, as appropriate. Called on Login().


Adjust a mobs blindness by an amount

Will apply the blind alerts if needed


Adjust the current blurriness of the mobs vision by amount


Adjust the body temperature of a mob, with min/max settings


Adjust the disgust level of a mob


Adjust the drugginess of a mob


Adjust the nutrition of a mob


Adjust the thirst of a mob


Proc to resist a grab. moving_resist is TRUE if this began by someone attempting to move. Return FALSE if still grabbed/failed to break out. Use this instead of resist_grab() directly.


Show a message to all mobs in earshot of this one

This would be for audible actions by the src mob



Sets a mob's blindness to an amount if it was not above it already, similar to how status effects work


Make the mobs vision blurry


Proc that returns TRUE if the mob can write using the writing_instrument, FALSE otherwise.

This proc a side effect, outputting a message to the mob's chat with a reason if it returns FALSE.


Checks for slots that are currently obscured by other garments.


Wipes a fullscreen of a certain category

Second argument is for animation delay.


Removes typing indicator.


Creates a message overlay at a defined location for a given speaker



Displays typing indicator. @param timeout_override - Sets how long until this will disappear on its own without the user finishing their message or logging out. Defaults to src.typing_indicator_timeout @param state_override - Sets the state that we will fetch. Defaults to src.get_typing_indicator_icon_state() @param force - shows even if src.typing_indcator_enabled is FALSE.


destroys screen rendering. call on mob del


Used to drop an item (if it exists) to the ground.


Gets the combined speed modification of all worn items Except base mob type doesnt really wear items


Examine a mob

mob verbs are faster than object verbs. See this byond forum post for why this isn't atom/verb/examine()


Generates the mutable appearance for typing indicator. Should prevent stuck overlays.


Gets an ability property


Get the action speed modifiers list of the mob


Get the bodypart for whatever hand we have active, Only relevant for carbons


Get the global config movespeed of a mob by type


Fetches the typing indicator we'll use from GLOB.typing_indicator_overlays


Gets the movespeed modifier datum of a modifier on a mob. Returns null if not found. DANGER: IT IS UP TO THE PERSON USING THIS TO MAKE SURE THE MODIFIER IS NOT MODIFIED IF IT HAPPENS TO BE GLOBAL/CACHED.


Get the move speed modifiers list of the mob


Find number of held items, multihand compatible


Gets all relevant proc holders for the browser statpenl


Returns a mob's real name between brackets. Useful when you want to display a mob's name alongside their real name


Convert a list of spells into a displyable list for the statpanel

Shows charge and other important info


Adds this list to the output to the stat browser




Gets the state we will use for typing indicators. Defaults to src.typing_indicator_state


Grants an ability from a source


handle_eye_contact() is called when we examine() something. If we examine an alive mob with a mind who has examined us in the last second within 5 tiles, we make eye contact!

Note that if either party has their face obscured, the other won't get the notice about the eye contact Also note that examine_more() doesn't proc this or extend the timer, just because it's simpler this way and doesn't lose much. The nice part about relying on examining is that we don't bother checking visibility, because we already know they were both visible to each other within the last second, and the one who triggers it is currently seeing them


Is there a actionspeed modifier for this mob


Is there a movespeed modifier for this mob


Can this mob see in the dark

This checks all traits, glasses, and robotic eyeball implants to see if the mob can see in the dark this does NOT check if the mob is missing it's eyeballs. Also see_in_dark is a BYOND mob var (that defaults to 2)


Removes fullscreens from client but not the mob


initializes screen rendering. call on mob new


Adds a default action speed


Attempts to open the tgui menu


Is this mob affected by nearsight


# Interactions code by HONKERTRON feat TestUnit


Get the notes of this mob

This actually gets the mind datums notes


Mob move procs


Adds a fullscreen overlay



Point at an atom

mob verbs are faster than object verbs. See this byond forum post for why this isn't atom/verb/pointed()

note: ghosts can point, this is intended

visible_message will handle invisibility properly

overridden here and in /mob/dead/observer for different point span classes and sanity checks


Ask someone if they'd like to award a commendation for the round, 3 tries to get the name they want before we give up


Ensures all fullscreens are on client.


loads screen rendering. call on mob login


Removes an ability from a source


Remove a action speed modifier from a mob, whether static or variable.


Removes the mob reference from the list of all mobs alive. If mob is cliented, it removes it from the list of all living player-mobs.


Removes the mob reference from either the list of dead player-mobs or from the list of observers, depending on how they joined the game.


Removes the mob reference from the list of living antag player-mobs.


Removes the mob reference from the list of living player-mobs. If the mob is an antag, it removes it from the list of living antag player-mobs.


Remvoes the mob reference from list of all the dead mobs. If mob is cliented, it adds it to the list of all dead player-mobs.


Removes the mob reference from the list and directory of all mobs. Called on Destroy().


Removes the mob reference from the list of all player-mobs, besides from either the of dead or alive player-mob lists, as appropriate. Called on Logout().


Remove a move speed modifier from a mob, whether static or variable.


Updates the grab state of the mob and updates movespeed


Sets an ability property


Force set the blindness of a mob to some level


Set the mobs blurriness of vision to an amount


Set the disgust level of a mob


FOrce set the dizzyness of a mob


Set the drugginess of a mob


Force set the mob nutrition




Used to wrap stat setting to trigger on-stat-change functionality. Must be used instead of directly setting a mob's stat var, so that the signal is sent properly.



Standard interaction/sanity checks. Different mob types may have overrides.

return UI_state The state of the UI.


Mob rotate procs


Calculate the total slowdown of all movespeed modifiers


This proc handles adding all of the mob's actions to their screen

If you just need to update existing buttons, use [/mob/proc/update_mob_action_buttons]!



Go through the list of actionspeed modifiers and calculate a final actionspeed. ANY ADD/REMOVE DONE IN UPDATE_actionspeed MUST HAVE THE UPDATE ARGUMENT SET AS FALSE!


proc that adds and removes blindness overlays when necessary


Set or update the global movespeed config on a mob


Go through the list of movespeed modifiers and calculate a final movespeed. ANY ADD/REMOVE DONE IN UPDATE_MOVESPEED MUST HAVE THE UPDATE ARGUMENT SET AS FALSE!


Adds the functionality to self_message.


Handles the special case of editing the movement var


Wipes all fullscreens