Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



active_mousedown_itemAutoclick variable referencing the associated item.
admin_music_volumeAdmin music volume, from 0 to 1.
autobunker_last_trylast time they tried to do an autobunker auth
block_parry_hintedShould go in persistent round player data sometime. This tracks what items have already warned the user on pickup that they can block/parry.
click_catcherClick catcher
click_intercept_timeTime when the click was intercepted
clicklimiterUsed for limiting the rate of clicks sends by the client to avoid abuse
client_keysend_amountAmount of keydowns in the last keysend checking interval
completed_asset_jobsList of all completed blocking send jobs awaiting acknowledgement by send_asset
creditslazy list of all credit object bound to this client
cryo_warnedWhen was the last time we warned them about not cryoing without an ahelp, set to -5 minutes so that rounstart cryo still warns
holderContains admin info. Null if client is not an admin.
keys_heldKeys currently held
keysend_trippedWhen set to true, user will be autokicked if they trip the keysends in a second limit again
last_activityAFK tracking
last_asset_jobLast asset send job id.
last_clickLast time we Click()ed. No clicking twice in one tick!
last_macro_fixLast time they used fix macros
mentor_datumActs the same way holder does towards admin: it holds the mentor datum. if set, the guy's a mentor.
mouseParamsUsed in MouseDrag to preserve the original mouse click parameters
mouse_location_refUsed in MouseDrag to preserve the last mouse-entered location. Weakref
mouse_object_refUsed in MouseDrag to preserve the last mouse-entered object. Weakref
mouse_override_iconused to override the mouse cursor so it doesnt get reset
moused_over_objectsmoused over objects, currently capped at 7. this is awful, and should be replaced with a component to track it using signals for parrying at some point.
movement_keyscustom movement keys for this client
movement_lockedAre we locking our movement input?
navigation_imagesImages of the path created by navigate().
next_keysend_resetWorld tick time where client_keysend_amount will reset
next_keysend_trip_resetWorld tick time where keysend_tripped will reset back to false
next_mousemoveThe next point in time at which the client is allowed to send a mousemove() or mousedrag()
next_move_dir_addThese next two vars are to apply movement for keypresses and releases made while move delayed. Because discarding that input makes the game less responsive. On next move, add this dir to the move that would otherwise be done
next_move_dir_subOn next move, subtract this dir from the move that would otherwise be done
panel_tabslist of all tabs
parallax_holderParallax holder
recent_examinesA lazy list of atoms we've examined in the last EXAMINE_MORE_TIME (default 1.5) seconds, so that we will call [atom/proc/examine_more()] instead of [atom/proc/examine()] on them when examining
screen_mapsAssoc list with all the active maps - when a screen obj is added to a map, it's put in here as well.
script!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!HEY LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
seen_messagesMessages currently seen by this client
selected_targetAutoclick list of two elements, first being the clicked thing, second being the parameters.
show_verb_panelhides the byond verb panel as we use our own custom version
spell_tabslist of tabs containing spells and abilities
stat_tabour current tab
statbrowser_readywhether our browser is ready or not yet
tip_timerTimers are now handled by clients, not by doing a mess on the item and multiple people overwriting a single timer on the object, have fun.
total_count_resetNext tick to reset the total message counter
total_message_countHow many messages sent in the last 10 seconds
verb_tabslist of tabs containing verbs
view_sizeviewsize datum for holding our view size


ForceAllKeysUpKeyup's all keys held down.
Process_GrabProcess_Grab(): checks for grab, attempts to break if so. Return TRUE to prevent movement.
Process_IncorpmoveProcess_Incorpmove Called by client/Move() Allows mobs to run though walls
adjust_heartGives someone hearted status for OOC, from behavior commendations
admin_cmd_remove_ghost_respawn_timerAllows a ghost to bypass respawn delay without lifting respawn restrictions
admin_cmd_respawn_return_to_lobbyFully returns a player to lobby, allowing them to bypass all respawn restrictions Works on ghosts or new players (lobby players) If a lobby player is selected, their restrictions are removed.
admin_followAttempts to make the client orbit the given object, for administrative purposes. If they are not an observer, will try to aghost them.
asset_cache_confirm_arrivalProcess asset cache client topic calls for "asset_cache_confirm_arrival=[INT]"
asset_cache_preload_dataProcess asset cache client topic calls for "asset_cache_preload_data=[HTML+JSON_STRING]"
asset_cache_update_jsonUpdates the client side stored json file used to keep track of what assets the client has between restarts/reconnects.
award_heartRedirect proc that makes it easier to get the status of an achievement. Achievement type is the typepath to the award.
browse_queue_flushBlocks until all currently sending browse and browse_rsc assets have been sent. Due to byond limitations, this proc will sleep for 1 client round trip even if the client has no pending asset sends. This proc will return an untrue value if it had to return before confirming the send, such as timeout or the client going away.
clear_all_mapsClears all the maps of registered screen objects.
clear_mapClears the map of registered screen objects.
clear_screenClears the client's screen, aside from ones that opt out
close_popupCloses a popup.
create_popupCreates a popup window with a basic map element in it, without any further initialization.
fax_panelIf client have R_ADMIN flag, opens an admin fax panel.
fix_tgui_paneltgui panel / chat troubleshooting verb
forceEventAllows an admin to force an event
get_award_statusRedirect proc that makes it easier to get the status of an achievement. Achievement type is the typepath to the award.
give_awardRedirect proc that makes it easier to call the unlock achievement proc. Achievement type is the typepath to the award, user is the mob getting the award, and value is an optional variable used for leaderboard value increments
handle_popup_closeWhen the popup closes in any way (player or proc call) it calls this.
init_verbscompiles a full list of verbs and sends it to the browser
open_escape_menuOpens the escape menu. Verb, hardcoded to Escape, set in the client skin.
register_map_objRegisters screen obj with the client, which makes it visible on the assigned map, and becomes a part of the assigned map's lifecycle.
reset_held_keysManually clears any held keys, in case due to lag or other undefined behavior a key gets stuck.
send_resourcesSend resources to the client. Sends both game resources and browser assets.
set_tabverbs that send information from the browser UI
setup_popupCreate the popup, and get it ready for generic use by giving it a background.
uid_logOpens a lof of UIDs
update_clickcatcherMakes a clickcatcher if necessary, and ensures it's fit to our size.
update_special_keybindsUpdates the keybinds for special keys

Var Details


Autoclick variable referencing the associated item.


Admin music volume, from 0 to 1.


last time they tried to do an autobunker auth


Should go in persistent round player data sometime. This tracks what items have already warned the user on pickup that they can block/parry.


Click catcher


Time when the click was intercepted


Used for limiting the rate of clicks sends by the client to avoid abuse


Amount of keydowns in the last keysend checking interval


List of all completed blocking send jobs awaiting acknowledgement by send_asset


lazy list of all credit object bound to this client


When was the last time we warned them about not cryoing without an ahelp, set to -5 minutes so that rounstart cryo still warns


Contains admin info. Null if client is not an admin.


Keys currently held


When set to true, user will be autokicked if they trip the keysends in a second limit again


AFK tracking


Last asset send job id.


Last time we Click()ed. No clicking twice in one tick!


Last time they used fix macros


Acts the same way holder does towards admin: it holds the mentor datum. if set, the guy's a mentor.


Used in MouseDrag to preserve the original mouse click parameters


Used in MouseDrag to preserve the last mouse-entered location. Weakref


Used in MouseDrag to preserve the last mouse-entered object. Weakref


used to override the mouse cursor so it doesnt get reset


moused over objects, currently capped at 7. this is awful, and should be replaced with a component to track it using signals for parrying at some point.


custom movement keys for this client


Are we locking our movement input?


Images of the path created by navigate().


World tick time where client_keysend_amount will reset


World tick time where keysend_tripped will reset back to false


The next point in time at which the client is allowed to send a mousemove() or mousedrag()


These next two vars are to apply movement for keypresses and releases made while move delayed. Because discarding that input makes the game less responsive. On next move, add this dir to the move that would otherwise be done


On next move, subtract this dir from the move that would otherwise be done


list of all tabs


Parallax holder


A lazy list of atoms we've examined in the last EXAMINE_MORE_TIME (default 1.5) seconds, so that we will call [atom/proc/examine_more()] instead of [atom/proc/examine()] on them when examining


Assoc list with all the active maps - when a screen obj is added to a map, it's put in here as well.

Format: list( = list(/atom/movable/screen))


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!HEY LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Messages currently seen by this client


Autoclick list of two elements, first being the clicked thing, second being the parameters.


hides the byond verb panel as we use our own custom version


list of tabs containing spells and abilities


our current tab


whether our browser is ready or not yet



TRUE if cache was reloaded by tgui dev server at least once.



Tracks open windows for a user.


Timers are now handled by clients, not by doing a mess on the item and multiple people overwriting a single timer on the object, have fun.


Next tick to reset the total message counter


How many messages sent in the last 10 seconds


list of tabs containing verbs


viewsize datum for holding our view size

Proc Details


Keyup's all keys held down.




Process_Grab(): checks for grab, attempts to break if so. Return TRUE to prevent movement.


Process_Incorpmove Called by client/Move() Allows mobs to run though walls


Gives someone hearted status for OOC, from behavior commendations


Allows a ghost to bypass respawn delay without lifting respawn restrictions


Fully returns a player to lobby, allowing them to bypass all respawn restrictions Works on ghosts or new players (lobby players) If a lobby player is selected, their restrictions are removed.


Attempts to make the client orbit the given object, for administrative purposes. If they are not an observer, will try to aghost them.


Process asset cache client topic calls for "asset_cache_confirm_arrival=[INT]"


Process asset cache client topic calls for "asset_cache_preload_data=[HTML+JSON_STRING]"


Updates the client side stored json file used to keep track of what assets the client has between restarts/reconnects.


Redirect proc that makes it easier to get the status of an achievement. Achievement type is the typepath to the award.


Blocks until all currently sending browse and browse_rsc assets have been sent. Due to byond limitations, this proc will sleep for 1 client round trip even if the client has no pending asset sends. This proc will return an untrue value if it had to return before confirming the send, such as timeout or the client going away.


Clears all the maps of registered screen objects.


Clears the map of registered screen objects.

Not really needed most of the time, as the client's screen list gets reset on relog. any of the buttons are going to get caught by garbage collection anyway. they're effectively qdel'd.


Clears the client's screen, aside from ones that opt out


Closes a popup.


Creates a popup window with a basic map element in it, without any further initialization.

Ratio is how many pixels by how many pixels (keep it simple).

Returns a map name.


If client have R_ADMIN flag, opens an admin fax panel.


tgui panel / chat troubleshooting verb


Allows an admin to force an event


Redirect proc that makes it easier to get the status of an achievement. Achievement type is the typepath to the award.


Redirect proc that makes it easier to call the unlock achievement proc. Achievement type is the typepath to the award, user is the mob getting the award, and value is an optional variable used for leaderboard value increments


When the popup closes in any way (player or proc call) it calls this.


compiles a full list of verbs and sends it to the browser




Opens the escape menu. Verb, hardcoded to Escape, set in the client skin.


Registers screen obj with the client, which makes it visible on the assigned map, and becomes a part of the assigned map's lifecycle.


Manually clears any held keys, in case due to lag or other undefined behavior a key gets stuck.


Send resources to the client. Sends both game resources and browser assets.


verbs that send information from the browser UI


Create the popup, and get it ready for generic use by giving it a background.

Width and height are multiplied by 64 by default.



Called by UIs when they are closed. Must be a verb so winset() can call it.

required uiref ref The UI that was closed.


Opens a lof of UIDs

In-round ability to view what has created a UID, and how many times a UID for that path has been declared


Makes a clickcatcher if necessary, and ensures it's fit to our size.


Updates the keybinds for special keys

Handles adding macros for the keys that need it And adding movement keys to the clients movement_keys list At the time of writing this, communication(OOC, Say, IC) require macros Arguments:

Returns list of special keybind in key = Mod1Mod2Mod3Key format, NOT Mod1+Mod2+Mod3+Key format.